Introducing the Pearl Pup, June’s eStore exclusive birthstone pet! The Pearl Pup will be available every day at the Ganz eStore from June 1st until June 30th. The Pearl Pup comes with a Pearl Pup Pearl Box, which contains the Lustrous Pearl Sideboard and Pearl Placesetting.
Pearl Pup Pearl Box | Lustrous Pearl Sideboard |
Pearl Placesetting | Deep Pan Pearl Pizza |
good idea, we should tell ganz about this!
i would really like to see a bengal cat btw, good idea!
I agree, we should tell Ganz about this.
Hmm, thier PSI and PSF’s? For the Savvanah is could be like Savvanah Style Sirloin Steak. I don’t know. The PSI could be like a rock wall for climbing. Oooh, for the Bengal thier PSF should be Striped Salmon ( you know, so it looks like them ). Bengals LOVE Salmon!! And their PSI really should be a big cat scratching post! Nice idea -Andine♥
Andine♥, I love your idea. Why don’t you take over for me? I want to take a little break from the name Moonstar. Thanks Andine♥! Your rock! -Moonstar◙◙◙
Who also thinks that Ganz should make a Signature Serval and another Sigature. . . the Signature Savvanah! They are somehow wild and servals as comletely wild! But if Ganz can only make 1 or only make 1 signature, I would want the Signature Bengal Cat. Who agrees with this? Also post your ideas for these fabulous felines PSI and PSF. -Moonstar◙◙◙
hey bestie i think that they should make a signature Black Panther (if they havent already made one ;))!!! who likes?
-Poppydawn~*!*~Webkinz Newz Extroardinaire
ps HAS ANYONE SEEN DEWSTEP???? she hasnt been on in a while and i miss her :(
Good idea! BTW I’ve never even heard of your friend! My BFFs are LIllyLuvie and Moonstar!
Hey, I think that there are a lot of great ideas brewing over here and ganz should take a peek at this page!
-SquirrelFlight I cant do my sig. on this computer but it IS me!
Hi Webkinz Newz Commenters! Do you agree that Ganz should make a new Webkinz Pet? What about a Signature Bengal Cat. A bengal cat, not bengal tiger. Search them up and you will see that they are magnifacent animals! I think it should be signature to enchance it’s amazing fur texture and thickness. I have 2 bengal cats named Lucy and Fred, so I would get 2! Reply if you want a Webkinz Siganture Bengal Cat and maybe they will make it! -Moonstar◙◙◙
Yeah that would be cool!