June’s Pet of the Month

117 Responses to June’s Pet of the Month

  1. lovepuppygirl says:

    Good pet for June Ganz!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Kotowolf says:

    The Okapi is a rare animal that not many people know about, plus it’s super cute! Thanks GANZ for creating it as a toy!!

  3. MDIChickadee says:

    I *LOVE* this pet!! So glad it gets to be Pet of the Month! All the best! MDIChickadee

  4. cathouse2 says:

    Pretty cool pet. I liked last year’s pet better! >> cathouse2

  5. Truffles says:

    The Okapi is absolutely one of the cutest animals there is! Thanks for making this one Ganz.

  6. Mcpgirl says:

    Okapis are the best animals in the world :) I love them so much and I have a webkinz one! Please make a song this month. An okapi would make a great song! I have been waiting for an okapi song! Lol Okapi song. Soooo awesome

  7. webkinz rocker says:

    coolness can’t wait!!!!!!

  8. Zumba963258 says:

    Yeah Man! COOOOOOLLL!!!!!!!

  9. Orange Starburst says:

    So the Okapis my birthday pet this year. THIS IS THE BEST BIRTHDAY MONTH PET EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its a great honer for the Okapi 2 get that place considering I’ve been playing Webkinz 4 6 years. IT IS ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!! I’m going 2 ask my mom 2 get it 4 my B-Day. ITS GOING 2 B THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Your friend, Orange Starburst*

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