June’s Pet of the Month

117 Responses to June’s Pet of the Month

  1. kayley says:

    I really want to go see a real Okapi in real life,but I think the webkinz Okapi is a little bit cuter.I love Okapi’s because it is soooooo cuuute!!!! Love Kayley

  2. yupdup says:

    LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!

  3. piper says:

    he is so cute!!!!!!!!!!

  4. crystalwings says:

    Krystalkat, you should name the cow fresco!

  5. no account NOT. im gummgumm08 says:


  6. livinous says:

    my b day is in june!

  7. popstarpuppy says:

    i think this new pet of the month is awesome and adorable! =- 3 i saw 1 @ a circus!

  8. Seth says:

    he’s so cool!

  9. RosiePozey says:

    cute cute cute!!!!!

  10. blindfold1 says:

    I love the real life kind pet. This one is soooo cute. You are right a lot of people don’t know about them, this one I believe lives in Africa. I’m going to get one!

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