Last Day to Catch the Bus!

It’s the last day of the Catch the Bus event in Webkinz Next, that’s one more day to stock up on school snacks for your pet!

What were YOUR last 3 prizes?

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8 Responses to Last Day to Catch the Bus!

  1. Puppy789 says:

    I got the chalkboard on the first try a while ago! I didn’t catch it anymore after because I wasn’t on Webkinz that much. I’m excited to make a school for my pets soon! :)

  2. dahliamyfriend says:

    when does this end I did not catch a bus or see one

  3. BeezKneez says:

    Food every day for me – disappointed that I didn’t win a chalkboard. I guess I’ll have to try trading for one. I do wish the odds of winning these “rare” items was a little better. :-/

  4. tuxkitty1 says:

    I got the grilled cheese and the soda. My pets loved them.

  5. duff428 says:

    Mine were all food prizes. Thank you to those who traded the chalkboard! I appreciated your trade.

  6. BH1464 says:

    Cheese sticks, Cheese sticks and more Cheese sticks. lol

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