Will you win the rare Shamrock Throne?
Is it your lucky day? Hopefully it is! It’s the last day of the Leprechaun Chase in Webkinz, which means you have one final day to win the Shamrock Throne.
Have you already won this rare prize? Please tell us in the comments! And remember, if you’ve been collecting duplicates, add them to your trading binder and head to Kinzville to start trading with friends.
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I didn’t get the throne but I got 4 diamonds, the headband was my favourite prize.
I played the Leprechaun Chase every day and did NOT win the Shamrock Throne at all. Last year I got just one. One throne in two years is disappointing odds – Why? Even more interesting, the first 4 prizes I won the first 2 days was the pond and after that just more clothes, and just a couple of the Shamrock Root Beers. Trading in Next is not as easy as one might think. I would gladly trade something worth diamonds for a prize like the Throne, but that is not allowed. I really think all players should win at least one of everything if they log in and play every day. The weighted algorithms need tweaking.
When will the gnome from the Spark Party be rewarded? I was on from 4:00 to 4:30 when the event ended and still have not received it.
Just impossible to get in
I have not received the throne.
I am sad I played daily and did not win the throne
I have had such a difficult time getting on the Spark Party. I did get signed on and was 54th to spark. Then everything crashed. It took me another 25 minutes to get the spark button so I could watch and hear. Everything kept getting slower and finally I was next to spark, and everything froze as the person ahead of me sparked. When the screen finally went back to normal, I had been skipped with no way to click on the pads to place my chosen pets because it had frozen at the close-up moment when the previous baby started to emerge. I’m so frustrated! It isn’t like I have an old model laptop either. Mine is not even 2 years old and has Windows 11. LadyBeauty
When I try to watch all I’m getting is a silent background with no pets or anything! This makes me sad as I was really looking forward to watching the Spark Party. LadyBeauty
I was in and it locked up. I want to spark a pet. Seriously, now stuck at on daily reward page :(
I know some people are in sparking but I can’t get in again. :(
Won the throne last year. Won 2 shamrock ponds this year so very happy about that. Good chase!!! Happy St. Patrick’s Day