Snow has arrived in Webkinz World and you know what that means… SKI SEASON!
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Whether your Pet is a beginner or a seasoned pro, they can all enjoy the new Ski Resort Village series of mix and match pieces. Featured Ski Resort Village pieces include:
I don’t have any estore coins but I like the theme. I’ve never gone skiing before but I would like to go. Merry Christmas eve eve!
Happy Holidays Serene!
Thanks :!: Merry Christmas Eve :!: :D
Happy Holidays :!: -Serene :mrgreen:
More eStore? Ay Chihuahua. -_-
LOL, I know right :?: ;)
Happy Holidays :!: -Serene :mrgreen:
Not many people have e-store. I don’t. Webkinz Makes a TON a things for e-store! They should make more for us. Webkinz didn’t used to be this way…it used to be the site where me and my friends used to play. It’s sad that it’s changed….
Neat stuff!!!
I have an e-store account from when I was a deluxe member but after two years of having deluxe I felt the price of about $50 a year was too much. Not much different without it exept I don’t get monthly deluxe gift boxes, get to play two of the games and get the monthy 3000 ganz e-store points. My mom and dad don’t let me buy the points though so Until I get deluxe again the account is useless.- Scoobarificus***
No e-store ethier
Awww, I don’t have eStore!!!!!! :( :( :( :( :(
I have been BEGGING my mom and dad to buy me some points, though, cause I really want the Moon Fox SOOO bad!!!!!
:) §§§ StarlightMagic §§§ :)
P.s Merry Christmas All!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
I feel your pain. And Merry Christmas to you, too!
Pretty! I don’t have eStore points though. Merry Eve of Christmas Eve!
~Amethyst Sparkle ♫♥♫♥
That is super cool! No eStore for me though sadly.
“You may find the entire Ski Resort Village in both Webkinz and Ganz eStores starting December 24th!”
Doesn’t that mean it would be in the W Shop if it says “both Webkinz and Ganz eStores”?
(~ ̄▽ ̄)~♥R3dRulez♥~( ̄▽ ̄~)
R3dRulez : No, but I wish :!: There is a Webkinz E-Store that you can access while on your account in WebkinzWorld, and there is Ganz E-Store which you have to go on to access. Hope this helps :!: :D
Happy Holidays :!: -Serene :mrgreen:
:!: :!: :!: Yay, I have eStore! But I won’t be getting any of this. I like to get pets with my points. Pretty cool stuff though!
It’s Christmas but it hasn’t snowed yet in Minnesota! Guess we won’t have a white Christmas…. :( BUT I luv Christmas and I am so excited for it! MERRY CHRISTMS EVE! ;)
*Luv from LillyLuvie*
No white chrisas for me either. Yesterday it was 73 here. :(
Last year, it snowed on Christmas day night, and then we had snow on the 26th, but snow in my part of virginia is really rare, being on the coast
Yeah, I don’t have eStore either. :( Can you guys believe that it’s snowing in New Mexico, but it hasn’t even snowed in Illinois. At least where I live. Looks like it’s gonna be a green Christmas for me. :( I’m gonna have to wish for snow! ;)
I know how you feel. Not one snowflake has hit Pennsylvania. All I want right no is snow.
OMG!! I know right!!! Well I’m kinda glad cause i we have to make up snow days we go back on my birthday!!! :’(
^_^ CC ^_^
So does my school, my birthday 9the 5th, January) is when my school reopens.
Hey, at least it snows where u live. In The Sunshine State, u never c snow. It didn`t even get cold this year! Oh and I go back to school on the 2nd.
all we have here in oregon is frost. that’s the closest thing we have to snow. i don’t have e-store ether. i wish. i would so buy the package. happy holidays. i’m sorry if this is random but I HAVE A FIRE MONKEY!
It’s probably going to be a green (or tan, because the grass in front of my house is practically dead) Christmas for me, too. Nothing has landed in my state since October. It snowed before Halloween, but not during Christmastime? WHAT IS THIS?! ;)
P.S. I can’t get any more points for a while, so I won’t be getting any of this stuff. I prefer to buy clothes or pets (which I never have before anyway) with eStore points.
i live in pa too. no snow :(
Me too. I don’t have any eStore points and I barely shop at the Ganz eStore. It’s a cute theme though.
ps merry christmas everyone
I agree, it is a cute theme :) Merry Christmas!
yes, merry christmas eve eve.
and happy 4th night of hanukkah to all!
kwanza i dont really know anything about though.
yes Merry Christmas eve eve!!!! :D
Cool! No ester though. And no, it won’t be in the wshop. :( merry eve of Christmas eve!
I’m quite fond of skiing. It’s sort of difficult to figure out at first, but after I got the hang of it I had a lot of fun. :) Au Revoir!
Really cool! But i don’t have eStore. I hope the poeple who do have eStore enjoy this though! :D :) :lol: :mrgreen: ;)
~NeptuneFeline925 ^.,.^
This is really cool! I have e-store! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:
This is so cool! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:
i’m pouting right now…… These are all e store items. i don’t have e store. :(
I get them once in a while,but not near christmas no one really does when santa clause is coming
Cool! but i don’t have e-store either. Merry Eve of Christmas Eve 2 u, too! And Happy Holidays, every1! (i m soooo excited!!)
Crazy gal :mrgreen: