Lil’ Rainforest Frog – Now Hopping into Webkinz World!





Lil’ Rainforest Frog!




No one enjoys a rainy day more than the Lil’ Rainforest Frog! Getting soaked is their favorite pastime, so of course they’ll just love relaxing in their Orchid Bathtub! And make sure some Waxworm Wontons are on the menu when it comes time to serve them a slippery snack!

You may find the new Lil’ Rainforest Frog at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores until October 12th, 2012!

36 Responses to Lil’ Rainforest Frog – Now Hopping into Webkinz World!

  1. Dawn says:

    Would also like ot see more of hte pets in stores where more folks could be exposed to the Webkinz WOrld! Love this little froggie!

  2. WebkinzGal says:

    Yum the food is totally making me want to eat breakfast today………………

  3. pink velv says:

    so cute!!!!! Is there a chance you could make it till december 30?

  4. cathouse2j3gnight2011 says:

    I think this frog is cute! I wish that I could adopt it! >>cathouse2

  5. Moontiger13 says:

    This is the cutest frog ever! I love Lil’ Kinz!!!! I might just have to buy him :)

  6. AWESOME◄▬[ϟ]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬〓☜✪☞〓▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[ϟ]▬► says:

    SO AWESOME!!!!! :D WANT REALLY BAD! ◄▬[ϟ]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬〓☜✪☞〓▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[ϟ]▬►

  7. minigummybears says:

    no ofence but ……….. since my cat is part asian leopard [ she's a begal cat ] i think if she saw this frog [ even thou she hasn't been outside in her life ] she would propel be pounce and scratch at the screen . ~gummy

  8. trey says:

    i cant wait for is so awesome.i love webkinz.i love playing on webkinz.i have seven webkinz.i realy realy care about them.i don’t know what to say.yay!

  9. rhik says:

    Cool! I’m not such a big fan of lil’kinz but its PSI is RAD!!!!!

  10. rainbowrockstar543 says:

    I don’t really like the frog,but I love the bathtub!

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