Lilac Guinea Pig

194 Responses to Lilac Guinea Pig

  1. awesomepetti says:

    cute!cute!cute! i really like its item and yah my friend has one named peggy hahaha

  2. Alyssa says:

    I realy want this webkinz.

  3. Febclovercat says:

    CUTIE PIE!!!!!

  4. CrazyGal says:

    Awwwww!!! So Cute! Your friend, CrazyGal :) :D ;) :P ;D

  5. McKittyKitty says:

    Yes, THAT’S what I’ve been trying to tell all the amateur Webkinz peeps! P.S.I. MEANS Pet Specific Item. Does everyone get it now? And yes, I do love the Lilac Guinea Pig’s Wild Flower Spa. Very luxurious. LOL! :) ~ McKittyKitty =^o_o^=

  6. daisypig says:

    I love this pet and its psi,I have the guinea pig,i think i will get the lilac guinea pig to.

  7. Alyssa says:

    i want this webkinz so bad i have been beging for it for 7 mouths.i am 8 please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please i realy what this webkinz i would sleep with every night with my other webkinz Pinky.I dont have any pets but i only have a blinded pug pet.

  8. andreab02 says:

    sooooooooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. lilly says:


  10. lula788 says:

    Sp cute i want to have that, i actually have 4 guinea pigs for REAL!!!!!!

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