Lilac Guinea Pig

194 Responses to Lilac Guinea Pig

  1. alainaloveswebkins says:

    i have 1i luv the tub

  2. Sarah says:

    Wow! The Lilac Guinea Pig looks soooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute, it’s as cute as my cat Mylie!

  3. mangoplum130 says:

    can someone HELP i cant do alot of activities it wont let me do flutterbug or hoppin rockin it wont let me on the spree game or the games when you log out this has been going on for a month or more wacker zingo if i dont get on i cant win the prizes is this happen to anyone else or just me PLEASE HELP

  4. jazzy says:

    it is just so adorable i can’t take my eyes of him

  5. maya says:

    i want to get lilac guinea pig

  6. Wordgirl82401 says:

    that guinea pig is the cutest guinea pig I’ve ever seen,and I’m watching some cute pigs play right now.They’re our pets Ruffles and Chutter.And they are real,or living,guinea pigs.Anyway,I WISH I COULD HAVE ONE OF THOSE GUINEA PIGS!!!!!!:)

  7. poigvjpog says:

    toooooooooooooo cute

  8. Wordgirl82401 says:

    What a cute pet! I love it already.

  9. midnight5a says:

    I hope I can get this it it so so ALSOME!!!!!!!

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