Lilac Guinea Pig

194 Responses to Lilac Guinea Pig

  1. Jordi says:

    That lilac guinea pig is so cute!I don’t know where to get one though. :( It would be awesome if it smelled like lilac though.I wonder if that is just a webkinz or if it is one of those mazin hampsters things.?

  2. rach7777 says:

    I wrote a letter asking you to make a guinea pig. :) Thanks sooooooo much for taking my idea! :)

  3. Chloe says:

    he is sooooooooooooooooo CUTE!!! can i have it please me and my sister want so much. my sister has 6 Webkinz. and i have 5. WE LOVE WEBKINZ SO MUCH.

  4. teacake01 says:

    I love this pet :] I am going to get it for sure, we are going to see if they have it at Cracker Barrel, I have had 4 real Guinea Pigs in the last 3 years :] I am going to name her Pheobe or Phoebe, however you spell it.{Like my real Guinea Pig} P.S. I LOVE THIS GUINEA PIG & THE OTHER GUINEA PIG & ALL THE WEBKINZ!!!!!!! :] :] :] :] :]

  5. lilhelper7 says:

    i want that webkinz:) <3 PS i dount win EVER:)

  6. jaybird154 says:

    i love guinea pigs i have a stuffy thats a guinea pig and its to CUTE and i want one for my birthday!!!!!!!

  7. fall30 says:

    its so cute

  8. leah says:

    I was about to buy it because it was so cute :}

  9. trinny01 says:


  10. Rama72 says:

    Awww its so cute I wish I could have it.

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