Look for 3 New Souvenirs at Vacation Island!


The next time you visit Sheldon’s Souvenir Shack at Vacation Island, look for the Vintage Suitcase Shelves, Island Ukulele and the Seaside Soda Mini Fridge:




Deluxe Members can use the Vacation Island map to visit Sheldon’s Souvenir Shack:



Every day, you can purchase up to three souvenirs from Sheldon. Sheldon’s inventory rotates daily, so you never know what will be available!



So, visit Sheldon every day for the quickest way to collect these three new souvenirs! I’m sure they will look great displayed in your home!


When was the last time you sent your pets to Vacation Island? Let us know in the comment section below…


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16 Responses to Look for 3 New Souvenirs at Vacation Island!

  1. idaho10 says:

    I haven’t seen the guitar or the soda can yet, and I go in sometimes 2x a day

  2. Mummabean says:

    I go to vacation island each day but I have not seen any of the new prizes yet. I usually go early in the day so perhaps I will try later in the day.

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