Mandy Adopts a Baby Elephant!


In this video, I adopt the newest Webkinz Classic virtual pet! Please note: my internet cut out right after I adopted it which is why there is a bit of gap, and why my elephant suddenly sprouted wings – LOL!

14 Responses to Mandy Adopts a Baby Elephant!

  1. Cassette says:

    Aww, I love elephants!

  2. RRB says:

    Adorable pet, very cool PSI, and that wallpaper is beautiful! Great job!

  3. frankie98 says:

    So adorable! My favorite animal!

  4. gml1939 says:

    Mandy I’m not finding the wallpaper and floor in your room for baby elephant. Can you tell me what it is and where it is? Thanks!

  5. adem123 says:

    I want a baby elephant :)

  6. allex123 says:

    Such a cute pet :)

  7. Aye_Breezy1 says:

    Such a cute pet.

  8. acoolaunt says:

    Uhh, you’re making this hard to resist!

  9. frozenanna2 says:

    Aww, cute!!

  10. sosotto says:

    This pet is super cute! Thanks webkinz team for making this awesome pet! ~sosotto:D

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