I love to paint and I LOVE painting Webkinz! So I decided to trying painting one of my sweet Next babies, Pebble!
In the past you may have seen some of my other pieces. There is a Wacky sculpture I made for Michael over ten years ago!
Also a painting of one of our early plush pets, the St. Bernard.
And of course a plush Pot-Bellied Pig!
Do you like drawing, painting or creating art? We would love to see YOUR Webkinz artwork! If you have a piece of artwork based on your Webkinz, please consider sharing it on social media and tagging us along with the hashtag #WebkinzArt. We are so proud of our talented Webkinz community so let’s show off our work!
Tell us in the comments, have you ever created a piece of artwork based on Webkinz?
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VERY nice! Thanks for sharing your art with us. Made me smile :-)
I love your artwork Mandy! You are very talented.
WOW!!! Mandy you are so talented! I thought these were regular photos at first glance!
Wow, Mandy! You’re so talented!
Wow, these are awesome- you’re a talented artist, Mandy! Thanks for sharing your artwork with us, it made me smile. :)
ive made a good handful of pictures, but not by painting; painting is hard
Great job Mandy!! I would bet that Wacky is treasured by Michael :)
You’re very talented, I like them.
Awesome Mandy! The “I’m so happy” look on Pebble’s face is the same one I had on my face, when after a bad day at work, I opened a gift from my friend nursesev. Hope you read this my friend. The fireplace you sent is so cool :) Can’t thank you enough!
very well done! And can you PLEASE make me a Wacky sculpture? ;-)