I love to paint and I LOVE painting Webkinz! So I decided to trying painting one of my sweet Next babies, Pebble!
In the past you may have seen some of my other pieces. There is a Wacky sculpture I made for Michael over ten years ago!
Also a painting of one of our early plush pets, the St. Bernard.
And of course a plush Pot-Bellied Pig!
Do you like drawing, painting or creating art? We would love to see YOUR Webkinz artwork! If you have a piece of artwork based on your Webkinz, please consider sharing it on social media and tagging us along with the hashtag #WebkinzArt. We are so proud of our talented Webkinz community so let’s show off our work!
Tell us in the comments, have you ever created a piece of artwork based on Webkinz?
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These are so good! I would love to see you paint the racoon (he was my very first kinz back in 2007 when he first released) I personally enjoy the St. Bernard the most!
great job love them all
Very nice!
Wow! Your paintings are beautiful!
I bet you had a lot of fun creating all of these things
Very nice! The pig and St Bernard look like photographs! I especially love all the little wrinkles in the piggy.
Mandy, do you prefer using acrylics or oil paints?
WOW! You are SO talented, Mandy! I love all of your work!! :D Your paintings are absolutely amazing!!
Also, I really, REALLY wish the Fan Art section of the ShareCenter would come back. That was my childhood :’( It makes me so, so sad it’s been gone for a year now. Yeah a lot more people might be posting on social media, but it was so much more fun looking in the ShareCenter. People post so much crass stuff on social media, even in the Webkinz community. It’s hard to filter through all of that stuff. The ShareCenter was always so fun and wholesome.
When I mean bad stuff on social media, I primarily mean things like memes and other things like that. Thank goodness I have never seen bad Webkinz art. But social media in general is so hard to sift through.
oh i love this!! and i have a Next bulldog named pebble as well :D