The Sparkle Penguin pet will be “peeking” around Webkinz Newz this March, and she’s got a bunch of prizes you might win! From March 1 until March 31, head over to the “Events” page and start the Peek-A-Newz activity. Find the Sparkle Penguin 5 times around Webkinz Newz and you will win a 2019 WKN March Gift Box. Open it to receive a random prize from the March Prize Pool.
Aquamarine Glasses (NEW)
Aquamarine Mosaic Tile
Boomin Green Chair
Boomin Green Couch
Clover Patch
Flannel Fairy PJ Bottom
Flannel Fairy PJ Top
Forest Tiled Sink (NEW)
Green Cat Ear Toque
Green Sporty Warm-Up Zippy
Sham Rockin’ Bandana
Sham Rockin’ Bottoms
Sham Rockin’ Shirt
Shamrockin’ Guitar
Silver Treasure Chest
St. Patty’s Jukebox
I want the funiture.
Does anyone have any extra Aquamarine Glasses or Aquamarine Mosaic Tile? My luck is not good so far. Username is seevey3
i need the Sham Rockin’ Shirt
LOL I put the jukebox into my room to see what it looked like, was disappointed that it was a little small, and tried to click it to put it back in my dock. But my pet walked over to it and turned it on and it’s now playing the most jovial Irish tune I’ve heard in my life and I’ve never been so happy.
Same here! I was surprised that it was small but the music was so pretty and perfect it’s one of my favorite items now!
I had received two prizes from finding the Peek a Newz challenge. When I went to change my pets clothes they are gone. The account is BabyNora and the items were the bandana and green rockin pants. I thought I had the amethyst glasses from the valentines challenge in that same account but they are gone now also. I was so excited to receive these and now they are gone. :(
Can we have different colors next time?
I know this doesn’t have to do with Peek a Newz, but when are the Ganz
Rewardz going to be updated?
They announced quite a while ago that they wouldn’t be updating them anymore. They did say that they would let us know when they are going to get rid of them altogether.
Oh no! I just came back from being gone for over a year. Accumulating rewardz money is the reason I come back to the Newz everyday. It’s fun to cash out. I can not believe they are taking that away from us. :(