May Mondays Continue With Manic Magic!



22 Responses to May Mondays Continue With Manic Magic!

  1. vinnysaur4709 says:

    so are we going to be getting washers and dryers to make laundry rooms

  2. ultrasonic says:

    UGH. My mom won’t let me buy 10,000 eStore points for the Moon Fox with a credit card OR a game card, so I won’t be getting any of this stuff (I’m saving my eStore points for pets and pets only, unless I need charms). Now, unless I get a game card from a friend for my birthday, I have to wait two months to get enough eStore points. :roll: krystalkat, can you add me? I’m 34H5. Thanks!

  3. lovepuppygirl says:

    More e-store.

  4. meandwebkinz says:

    whoa! that’s so cool! meandwebkinz :)

  5. MDIChickadee says:

    Wow! These opportunities are wonderful for some!! What a wonderful way for new people who can to obtain things they might have missed but would like. All the best! MDIChickadee

  6. BradFav19 says:

    Very cool! Love the items! I wish I had estore. I would buy some webkinz pets! >> BRFav19<<<

  7. cathouse2 says:

    Very cool items. I wish I could get them! >> cathouse2

  8. lexie says:

    Cool! Too bad i am not estore :-( I wish, but my parents won’t let me use credit cards online *Love Y’all -lexie

  9. blake says:

    this is so great

  10. jennifer says:

    Nicen but, only e-store, again. jennifer

    • blahblahthecatluver says:

      *sigh* ditto

      • sarahandlacey says:

        The e-store always has the coolest stuff! although I only buy the pets! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:

        • Webkinz Member says:

          Hi sara, thanks for sending me all those flowers, you are such a good friend. If anyone wants to add me, my username is my title. :-D

          • sarahandlacey says:

            You’re wellcome! I enjoy sending gifts! Aw, thanks! Thanks for everything! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:

      • krystalkat says:

        Im not really into the magic thing. I do love Presto though, :lol: For some reason I think unicorns are pretty though, :oops: :lol: IDK, I have one named Rainbow who was my 4th webkinz (I think). ~KK♥

    • dewdrop says:

      Hi Jennifer , i agree with you again :( I was wondering why we had only the Magic seats in the Webkinz Store ,now I know !!!!! it is a shame they make so much furniture that is heaps cooler then we can get in the Webkinz Store. Oh how nice it would be to have the money spare to buy such things. I have to admit the magic theme is pretty good though :) dew

    • Chicago Made says:

      I’m not big on the Magic Items. And @jennifer, I agree with you on what you said. This is estore….once again! And can someone just tell me why all the coolest items is always estore items? I’m a estore user, but I find it unfair that those who aren’t estore members don’t get any of these items like the estore users do. Not that I want the estore to not exist, but the estore points is what makes the estore unfair for most people. I think that Ganz should take out the estore points stuff, so that everyone can at least have fun with these items. My friend, @SOAD Chick (System Of A Down Chick) thinks the same. If Ganz did some changes with the estore, I’d be surprised. Ganz doesn’t ever do much for those who’re the new users, but those who’re Deluxe get most of everything. It isn’t quite far, I think. ~Christina☠

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