May’s Pet of the Month

If you’re looking for a cuddly critter to add to your Webkinz family, make sure you adopt a Lilac Guinea Pig today! This darling diva loves sipping on some Papaya Punch while taking some time out to relax in their Wild Flower Spa!

90 Responses to May’s Pet of the Month

  1. joshuaostapko says:

    just to let you know you need to have not used the code untill may 2014 to get the prizes

  2. brownypup6 says:

    why wont Ganz make a non pink/purple animal for June! I’ve been wanting something orange for June since the start of Webkinz!

  3. perler24 says:

    I’m getting this pet for Easter :)

  4. lelaloves7 says:

    SHE IS SO MUCH CUTER THAN MY WKINZ COOKIES’N CREAM GPIG no offence to the cnc gpig peeps :@/

  5. amelia20016 says:

    how can I get her.

  6. bunny5665 says:

    This pet is very cute. I am getting it.

  7. jerry12308 says:

    WOW!!! I love this pet! I really hope I can get one!

  8. rainbowfun says:

    idreamofhorses you can have as many of the same pet as you want

  9. chipgirl2016 says:

    hi im new i love this pet it is toats ador who agrees

  10. perler24 says:

    love the choice ganz! can you make Octobers the pumpkin pup ? and make Decembers the snowman? please??????????????????

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