Meet the Sugar Plum Sparkle Pegasus!


Black Friday is almost here and this year we have a very special pet for everyone.


Add some sparkle to your family of Webkinz Pets when you adopt the Sugar Plum Sparkle Pegasus! This magical beast is also a musical maestro when they tickle the ivories on their Sugar Plum Piano! Make sure you also keep your little diva well fed with something sweet and healthy, like a Layered Fruit Pop!


The Sugar Plum Sparkle Pegasus will be available on and in the W-Shop and will be sold exclusively during the Black Friday weekend, November 25-27, 2016. The price for this spectacular pet is 12,500 eStore Points and Deluxe users can get it for 10,000 eStore Points.


Don’t miss your chance to add this special pet to your Webkinz family!

46 Responses to Meet the Sugar Plum Sparkle Pegasus!

  1. TubThumper says:

    I know this post is old, but I just had to come find it and make a comment to say that it would be AMAZING if we got some of the older Black Friday pets to return. Maybe in point bundles for $150 or something? A lot of people weren’t as aware of the eStore back when this was available, like myself, so it’s a shame that I missed out! It’s such a beautiful pet. I wish some pets could return for special occasions. I’d love this and the Sparkling Pegasus and Holiday Kitten and some of the Signature pets we haven’t seen available in forever. You could make tons of money bringing back these pets in bundles or for special Odd Holidays, Webkinz! Bring in that dough! lol!

  2. bigcookiekinz says:

    its adorbs so me it would look fantabulous in plumpys glasses lol

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