Meet the Winner!

The Webkinz community has spoken! We’re excited to announce the winner of our 2023 Pet Design contest! This creative design will be made into a virtual pet that will be available for sale at Ganz eStore and in the WShop starting on Webkinz Day, April 29, 2023!


Congratulations to forestsprite for their amazing Air Fawn! We can’t wait to see this beautiful fawn come to life in Webkinz Classic!



Forestsprite, you and the rest of the finalists can watch for a message from us at the email address associated with your GanzWorld account by the end of the week.

33 Responses to Meet the Winner!

  1. dragonfly1227 says:

    Congratulations forestsprite! Awesome job! And congratulations to everyone who entered their creation! They were all so amazing!

  2. yummybutterscotch says:

    Super cute, I love the idea, especially with the whole “complete the set” thing! I’m still holding out hope that the borzoi will eventually appear in-game though hehe

  3. flyinghorse3 says:

    Yes! I voted for this one! Congratulations, forestsprite! This is going to make an aborable addition to webkinz. I might have buy one myself to give my ice fawn, Snowflake, a friend.

  4. StardustCatcher says:

    This was the pet that I voted for! Even though the artist drew their own idea for a PSI, I would like to suggest another: a Floating Cottage (cute white brick cottage floating on a cloud) that the pet can sit in!

  5. KarenaJ says:

    Congrats forestsprite! I hope the earth fawn will made available at the estore as well for those who want to complete the set.

  6. sosotto says:

    Congratulations! Awesome pet :)

  7. karolina07 says:


  8. EgK says:

    Congrats to everyone who made it to the finalists!! also, awesome design forestsprite! <3

  9. Alphaowlbear says:

    Congratulations to forestsprite and the Air Fawn! Congratulations also to all the finalists – I am always amazed at the amount of creativity in our community. This would be a wonderful opportunity to make the fire, water, earth and air outfits available again.

  10. BeMyValentine says:

    Congratulations !! Awesome idea.

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