Message from the Mayor: Changes Here & More Coming!


Hello everyone!


As you know, during my campaign I promised to give you more freedom in decorating your houses AND to open up treetop and underwater rooms to everyone! Well, I’m pleased to announce that after a lot of hard work by Nuts and Bolts and their team, these changes are happening.


Firstly, you can already place MORE items than ever before anywhere you want: indoor, outdoor, underwater, you name it. This doesn’t mean that every single item can go anywhere (for example, you can’t place wall decorations and windows outside, because there are no walls!) but you now have way more options for most items.


Secondly, on February 11, everyone will be able to purchase treetop and underwater rooms without owning a flying or swimming pet! I’m so excited for you all to expand your homes just the way you want!


Of course, just as I also mentioned in my campaign, we’ll also reduce the number of daily SPREE! rolls from 2 to 1 on February 11 so that everyone has more quality time to spend with their families!


Have a blast with your new freedoms. I can’t wait to see what amazing spaces you come up with!



338 Responses to Message from the Mayor: Changes Here & More Coming!

  1. skydemonwolf says:

    That’s great Mayor Cowbelle!!!Now the none fish and fly Webkinz people can Have those rooms tOOO!!!

  2. ylimenut says:

    it isn’t working for my account!! Why?

  3. Love49kinz says:

    That would be sooooooooooooooooooo cool kittypoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thx Cowabell! I’ve been wanting a treetop room for like ever! I don’t have a bird so YAY! But I do have 3 fish but still YAY!

  4. kittypoo says:

    That’s awesome! :) I wonder if we’ll ever be able to move doors? I don’t want doors removed, I just think it would be good if we could move doors down or up a few inches, if it’s in the way of an item.

  5. KW30 says:

    Thanks for the updates! However, I do have a question about some of the garden path tiles. I have some beautiful interior garden settings and I wanted to know if you could please,please,please make the flagstone path tiles and the CampKinz Nature Trails go indoors instead of just being an outdoor only item?

  6. kat6401 says:

    Great! That’s why I voted for you to be our mayor…Thank-You!!

  7. 1Emerald1 says:

    Hey guys, did anyone else notice that there are new Ganzworld rewards items for Webkinz this morning? Woo-hoo!!!!! Time to go spend some moneyz!

  8. prprprprp says:

    Awesome!!!!!!!!!! :D The part that already took place is my favorite because I have a fish and a bird already, but I am SO happy for everyone who doesn’t who wants those rooms!!!! :D Thanks so much Cowabelle! :D

  9. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Thanks so much Cowabelle! I already have the treetop and underwater rooms, but I’m glad that now everyone can get a chance to get one! Also, I can’t wait to start decorating my rooms more! Now I can hopefully put some film strip rugs in my treetop room! Thanks!!! ;)

    • TaffyKitty12 says:

      Okay, I know this isn’t on the subject, but has anyone else noticed that there are new ganzworld rewards for webkinz? I’m NOT kidding, seriously, I just checked and there’s a few new rewards!!! Here I’ll list them: the beach beauty chair, cuckoo kitty clock, cozy lamb slippers, golden lamppost, dapper red hat, green sewing machine, silver side table, and the yummy cupcake chair! I’m sooo excited!!! ;D :D :D

  10. xCountryKinz17 says:


    • xCountryKinz17 says:

      Oh ya, I already got an underwater pet and a treetop pet, so I’m not really excited for that other part of the update. xD

    • natalierose says:

      YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

        Me too, xCountryKinz17, but YAY! I was surprised to see this already!! :D

        • SignatureIsland says:

          YEAH! FINALLY! I don’t have the underwater rooms yet, but have an owl already. Yay! Thanks Cowabelle! I really like what you did. Anyone else notice she didn’t say ANYTHING about taking away our spree rolls. She still will though trust me.

          • GramaII says:

            Read Paragraph #4 – She is taking away one of our Spree Rolls, it will take forever to get to the mall now.

          • jenniferobbijanuary says:

            Sounds like they are going to phase Spree out. I hope they give us enough warning when the do. I have over 200 free rolls. :(

          • Gennelle Webkinz says:

            I wouldn’t worry about that.

          • jenniferobbijanuary says:

            Thank you, Gennelle Webkinz. The dailies are the only games my laptop and I can play.

          • granma4 says:

            I agree with you Gramall, Why are they taking away a spree roll???? When Spree just started It was just one roll and it was not as much fun until they gave us 2 rolls. Tell me this Gennelle Webkinz. How is one less spree roll going to give us more quality time with our families?? I don’t get it. Anyone else agree with us??

          • Gennelle Webkinz says:

            This was part of Cowabelle’s platform, and she was elected.

          • ArtMagician says:

            Yeah, every candidate had a sacrifice. Honestly though, I have successfully made a whole fast food diner, I love it, and I don’t care about SPREE! rolls! I am only a bit concerned, because I think others will miss them. But Gennelle is telling the truth (wait, of course she is!) and Cowabelle mentioned that in her platform.

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            Not every candidate. Sheldon did not want to get rid of anything.

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            But it’s too late now!

          • ArtMagician says:

            Yeah, excluding Sheldon. Sorry, but I was just saying. If you think about it, though, his sort of sacrifice was not changing anything at all. You either like that or dislike that. :)

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            That is true!

          • cmsrockz1 says:

            Will Webkinz ever let us move our rooms, like move things in order also it would be nice if we could sell orntrade our small rooms for larger room.s.

          • fluff54 says:

            All that I know is that I HATE Cowabelle, and when she is out of office I will be happy!

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            You are not alone in that opinion.

          • Treeno7 says:

            I agree – I was disappointed when she won. I don’t care about underwater or treetop rooms and I’m sad about losing the Spree roll. Now if her decorating platform had included being able to get rid of doors where we don’t want them, move rooms or most especially sell off all the random stuff we get that we don’t want I’d support her. I have a ton of stuff cluttering my dock I can’t get rid of, won’t use and don’t want.

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            I have a designated room for those kind of items. It’s called the Attic.

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            And being able to remove doors from rooms would be the BEST. THING. EVER!

          • pipspups says:


          • 1Emerald1 says:


          • KraftyMomOf2 says:

            Maybe some modifications need to be made to Cowabelle’s platform ideas, taking things away does not make players(customers) happy.

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            Well, I didn’t vote for her!

          • midnightowl says:

            But it din’t happen for me I tried to put a bed in my swan’s room but it won’t let me. Someone please help me.

          • salemwitch08 says:

            I can’t seem to collect enuf straight street tiles and now even less chance….frustrated!

          • ninasarina2993 says:

            I thought she was giving everyone an extra one!!

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            I agree with you, the reasoning given is ridiculous. Oh well, Spree just became less interesting, but it’s not the end of the world.

          • zeusfist says:

            i now play Spree every day. Once it goes to a roll a day I’ll probably only play it every 2 or 3 days since I won’t be “losing” any free rolls and I think it’s more fun to be able to roll at least a couple of dice each time I play!

          • ImaPepper says:

            I agree, zeusfist….it isn’t as much fun to play with just one roll. When the game was launched it was one roll per day; but there were also more promotions on Newz to win bonus rolls…..hmmm…..???

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            I agree, every other day will be quite enough for the new, unimproved Spree. I actually have all the good prizes from the game already & may give it up altogether & do something else with my time. But I can guarantee you this will not magically make “more time to spend with family”. I mean, really. It takes less than one minute to roll a dice & pick a card or whatever. Simply ridiculous.

          • webkinzforever3520 says:


          • Evie730 says:

            I agree. This is JUST a game after all. Players pay to play, whether it’s buying plush pets, estore points or deluxe memberships. Why take something away from players? Cowabelle isn’t a real person. Ganz didn’t HAVE to take away a spree roll. You’d think they’d want to enhance the game, not detract from it. Maybe since they’re taking one away, they’ll increase the frequency in which extra rolls are awarded during the game. I hope so. If not, it’s going to take a REALLY long time to make it to the mall.

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            Maybe they’re just hoping to sell more extra spree rolls.

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            The more I think about it, the more I think that’s what’s really behind the decision to have Cowbell include this in her “platform”.

          • Bubblilious1 says:

            I would like it too if we could continue with 2 spree rolls. It would help collecting the prizes which are awesome.

          • spotlogansdog says:

            I agree. I mean, did anyone else see And More Coming at the top? This has to mean she will keep taking dailies away! What could be next, taking away a wish on Wishing Well 2? We already have a few a day now! Maybe it’s something like the Wheel of Wishes or Wish of the Day, or even extra spins on the Wheel of Wow! The possibilities are endless!

          • balletbear5M says:

            whoopee. I am not excited about this at all, I will continue to follow the normal rules and not buy any of those new rooms. Why of all kinz did it HAVE to be Cowabelle???????

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            Have you been reading the current WTales that’s running in the newspaper? More of the same, sigh.

          • tntmonton says:

            I like Spree, and you are right, it will take forever to get to mall now. :-(

          • chantal101234 says:

            I agree with you!!! I love Spree and now with 1 roll ugh!!! :( It will take half a year to get to the mall!!! :( Not happy Cowabelle! :( Well I didn’t vote for her anyways, I liked things the way the were!! Its WAS all good! :(

          • 1Emerald1 says:

            It really was. Ugh.

          • obradlee says:

            Come on, it’s not that bad! Imagine if Daisy Doe won! No more of Mr. Moo’s Ice Cream! Losing one roll in a mini-game is that bad in comparison, right?

        • carebeargirl716 says:

          YAY! That sounds great! Except I also have an underwater pet (dolphin) and a flying pet (blue jay). But the rest sounds amazing!!! :D

          • Kittygirl101First says:

            @carebeargirl716 i have an underwater pet (clown fish) but i don’t have a flying pet yet so im really excited!

      • maygirl1000 says:

        OH MY GOSH!!! My BERTHDAY IS ON FEBRUARY 11!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • MidnightQueen says:

      Still wish we could’ve had Dex as mayor, but I guess I will just be glad that everyone else is happy. Maybe I can put that red flower (which looks like a rose) into my indoor room now… ***MidnightQueen***

      • kittymade10 says:

        Dec is horrible, all he thinks about is himself!! Btw love the 1st and the 2ed news

        • prprprprp says:

          (Just saying, I think people should stop posting that a certain candidate is horrible under people who like that candidate. It can be really mean sometimes, and people used to do that to me all the time, and it made me feel terrible)

          • animelover7644 says:

            I agree prprprprp! people should be able to have their own opinion without a comment saying how wrong their opinion is…….

          • prprprprp says:

            Yeah. :) And thank you for agreeing, animelover7644! :)

          • MidnightQueen says:

            Thanks for your post prprprprp! It doesn’t really make me feel sad or offended when someone says that my favorite candidate is “terrible”, instead it just makes me feel a strange sort of anger/encouragement to keep standing up for my beloved candidate! I am that way with my likes toward lots of things/people, including Loki and Lady Gaga. The more people insist on criticizing them, the more I love them. ***MidnightQueen***

      • Bwfuzzycat228 says:

        omg Midnightqueen its BWFuzzycat i haven’t talked to u in a while. whats up? Hey, say hi to princejackson5 for me, ok?

      • 1Emerald1 says:

        I like Dex, even if he is kind of pompous & self-involved. He’s a celebrity, after all. It’s his job to entertain us, not impress us with his humility. I’m so excited, after YEARS of searching, I finally found & bought the Colossal Movie Screen from Arte & I finally got to see the movie Dex Dangerous & the Lunar Lugbotz! It was very cool tho much too short!

    • teamsweet2013 says:

      i have a tree top pet but no underwater, I got the harper seal but that I guess in not underwater… so I can not wait till then! now I just gotta plat spree more often!

    • ArtMagician says:

      Ok, this is finally happening. It didn’t take that long though! Thanks Ganz! :D

    • aleberle says:

      Am I the only person wondering what items we have more freedom with exactly?

    • webkinzforever3520 says:

      Blech. I can’t believe everyone voted HER for mayor. There’s just something missing from that speech. It’s like giving away free MILLION DOLLAR BILLS.

    • ariel1003 says:

      I HATE THE SPREE PART! Cowabelle, I have a suggestion for you, you should make an update where some of the the deluxe items people with membership (I mean Not deluxe, but with a pet) They should unlock some items. I am deluxe but, I sometimes worry If non-deluxe members feel left out, please consider this.

    • midnightowl says:

      Ya we can decorate rooms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Becky71W says:

      What about removing those pesky doors??? They make a beautiful room look ugly.

    • callies123 says:

      awesome awesome awesome

    • study42morrow says:

      I got the treetop room and the water room already! YAY!!

    • prettyalida115 says:

      i think that we should be able to all go to vacation island.

    • rachel1179 says:

      I am like soon pumped about the room decorating stuff, but the only prob. is that just one spree roll a day?! its a little sad but I guess its OK! friend me and get a FREE item sent to you in the mail! its rachel1179! thanks to all who read my comments!

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