Molasses Taffy Candy Tree in Park TODAY!


You’re going to want to stick close to the Park today! Because the Molasses Candy Taffy Tree is in Kinzville Park today and tomorrow, June 19 and 20! Click on it to get a Molasses Taffy Candy added to your Dock.


Find this yummy tree to and more at Ganz eStore and in the W Shop! It dispenses a candy every day!

Want to add this sweet tree to your pet’s home? Look for it at Ganz eStore and in the W Shop! It dispenses a candy every day!


13 Responses to Molasses Taffy Candy Tree in Park TODAY!

  1. megamom12 says:

    The ONLY thing that I don’t like about this is that they take the Bake Sale Stand out to do this event! In the mean time….I’m going to go get some candy!!!!

  2. bonesbongo says:

    Thanks for having the Molasses Candy Tree in the park, happy to add the candy to my collection. When I look at this it reminds me of chocolate licorice. ;}

  3. ojibwa says:

    Is this bird number 8?

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