More Haunted Castle Concept Drawings!



Hey guys… Michael Webkinz here, reporting for Webkinz Newz. I am back with the final 3 concept drawings for this year’s brand new Halloween room theme: The Haunted Castle! This theme will be available in the W-Shop on October 1st.


In my first post, I showed you the flooring that would be included with this theme. Now, here’s a look at the Haunted Castle Wallpaper. I particularly like the stone arches, gargoyles and every little detail that went into this concept:



This next piece is perfect… The colorful books are a nice contrast to the weathered wood and cold stone structure of this Haunted Castle bookshelf:



Finally, here’s a look at the fireplace that will be included with this theme. The flickering light from the fireplace will create the perfect atmosphere for your Haunted Castle:



This could be one of our best Halloween themes yet! Once again, it will be available for KinzCash starting October 1st. Looking for last year’s Freaky Forest room theme? It will only be available on the Webkinz mobile app so, if you haven’t already, download the app for free from iTunes or the Google Play store.


If you missed my last post, You can see it HERE. If you have any feedback or name suggestions for any of these items, please feel free to leave your ideas in the comment section below.


This has been Michael Webkinz reporting for Webkinz Newz…


The Webkinz mobile app is available for FREE on Android and Apple devices!


Download the app from the Google Play Store


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70 Responses to More Haunted Castle Concept Drawings!

  1. EmeraldCity says:

    Thank you, Michael! I LOVE Halloween and Fall! This theme is going to be amazing! I have sooooo many rooms in my Mansion with Halloween themes, it’s so fun! Being a WW player for so long…holidays are the funnest times of year!!! This Haunted Castle theme is going to be so fun!!! Great job creative team, so ready to make a room with this! Will there be a pumpkin carving again this year?

  2. admtrade says:

    please…can you leave the cobwebs off of some of the pieces so they can be more versatile? Please!

  3. zootzoot says:

    i love that wall

  4. tinygma says:

    COULD you add an ECLIPSE type SUN/MOON for us to add to the window ? and other rooms ?

  5. darklon says:

    How about a hidden door to going through to connecting room, like a tapestry that pet can walk trough? Or a staircase that a ghost leads pet up, not down?

  6. tinygma says:

    Move the fire place by a door. Now move it just 1 space in front of the door and add a grave to the left between the wall and fire place. This will let a ghost come out from behind fireplace and your pet leaves room by DISAPEARING behind fireplace;) .

  7. tinygma says:

    DID any of you notice the little OWLS on the TOP OF THE WALLPAPER ??!! SO PRETTY !!

  8. BH1464 says:

    Really glad I voted for this theme and that it won! Absolutely LOVE it!

  9. jeter12 says:

    Will there be a bed? I’m really hoping there will be a bed!!!

  10. cat2f says:

    They look so spooky, but also fun…. I’m so excited about this theme!

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