More Webkinz Room Designs!


We will be holding a new Room Design Awards soon, and anyone from today’s group of designers could become a finalist! Would you like to nominate someone from a recent room design post? Let me know in the comments section below…


I hope you are inspired by today’s room designs. There are 25 in total including a Gemstone Suite, Antique Library and Webkinz Music Awards Night… enjoy!



Miss my last room design post? CLICK HERE to see it now!


Do you want the chance to become a Room Design Awards finalist? Send me screenshots of some of your favorite rooms! You can e-mail them to… Good luck!


40 Responses to More Webkinz Room Designs!

  1. nataliekathy13 says:

    i really like “the library” “the cafeteria” “end of the pier” and ‘the laundromat’ they are all so cool and creative!

  2. fluffy901 says:

    Powder’s House! So many snowman things. The two Valentine’s Rooms are great and I can see the raccoon dancing away in the Arcade.

  3. c21houseboy says:

    So many amazing designs. love the Webkinz Music Awards Night- the kinz in black shades in the booth is so ‘cool’. All of these rooms are great.

  4. gappytoo says:

    Another round of terrific rooms. My favorites are Webkinz Music Awards Night and End of the Pier, but they are all quite wonderful. Great job everyone.

  5. djh89 says:

    Thank you for featuring my Webkinz Office Building!!!! A room I’d love to see in the finals is Prince’s room by Kiara. Also I meant to thank everyone for the positive comments about my night nook. Thank you Michael for featuring so many amazing rooms including mine.

  6. Dash7500 says:

    Great designs everyone, congratulations on being featured! Two of my favorites are “Powder’s House” by Jami and “End of the Pier” by Pinky997.

  7. Nate4555 says:

    A lot of fun rooms this week, especially Webkinz Awards Night and End of the Pier, nice job everyone!

  8. tuxkitty1 says:

    I really like the Blossom Village and Powder’s House. Great job everyone!

  9. flyinghorse3 says:

    I LOVE the French Boudoir

  10. flyinghorse3 says:

    I have a question, how do you enter? I really want to!

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