Movie Showcase – Most Collected Tag

Given the introduction of the Siberian Husky, we thought this video showcasing KinzTuber sassycat143′s husky collection would be appropriate!


Thank you for sharing your collection with us, sassycat143!



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71 Responses to Movie Showcase – Most Collected Tag

  1. ange50 says:


  2. chattyb says:

    I saw a real husky the other day, outside of Pet Smart, but it was a little tiny puppy! I love Sassycat’s videos SO much, as she is such a happy-go-lucky kind of person, and it shows. I don’t have a husky yet, but my little brother just got one and named it, yeppers, ypu guessed it, “Snowball.” :-P

  3. ilovemlp22 says:

    SASSSSSSSYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER SO MUCH SHES MY FAVORITE KINZTUBER! I’ve already seen this video and its so cool! I love husky’s. When Im older i’m going to get one of my own (A real one) Awesome Pick Ganz!

  4. ChristianCowgirl123 says:

    I missed all the webkinznewz ppl! You 2002ganz oats34wk and everybody else… you are my best friends on wkn!

  5. puffapuffle2 says:

    Sassycat143… Your my biggest fan….

  6. ilovemoonie says:

    awesome video! the only husky i have is a signature siberian husky named James. i might ask for a normal husky for christmas though! i agree that all webkinz are different even if there the same kind. i have two black bears named midnight (girl) and rayvon (boy) and two reindeer named prancer (boy) and dasher (girl). i have a signature endangered cougar named lightning and i want to get another one. i would name him clyde and make them be brothers. for me, the thing that makes webkinz of the same kind different the most is there personalties. again awesome video sassycat143! by the way i want to get a real husky someday too!

  7. 50ishwebbies says:

    Daaaaaaaaaaaw, How sweet is this video?! Absolutely adorable :) This would totally be me if Ganz made a Soft Coated Wheaten . . . <3 THANK YOU so much sassycat143 for sharing your sweet Husky Collection story! Love your narration!

  8. webkinzpupcat says:

    I dont have more than one webkinz. well, I have 30 but all diferent types! Hi oats34WK!!

    • Picia says:

      I have repeats of a couple- not purposely but because people got them for me haha. I have 2 little rabbits, 2 orca whales, 2 black cats and 2 little Persian cats I believe. I’m not sure if I have other repeats

      • megamom12 says:

        I have the Lil’Kinz Persian Cat (my very first Webkinz) a large Persian Cat and a Signature Persian Cat. I can not have a real cat so my grandpa got me a stuffed cat when I was little. It was one of my very favorite toys and saw me through a lot of sickness when I was little. When I first saw the Lil’Kinz one all I saw was the little nose in a bin full of Lil’Kinz. I picked it up and my first thought was ‘Muffin!’ I bought her, carried her home in my arms and have been hooked ever since! I love playing Webkinz with my grandchildren! One of my friends plays too!

      • snowandlindsey says:

        I have 5 pigs:-) Wiggle, Iggy, Lucy, bubblegum, and Polly :-) oink oink:-) ;-) I only got one on purpose the rest I believe we’re gifts:-)

      • BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

        I have some repeats along with both sizes of pet. I have 2 Grey Arabians, 2 Schnauzers, 2 Polar Bears, 2 Black Friesians, 2 Koalas, 2 Black Cats, 2 Budgies, 2 Hummingbirds, 2 Geckos, 2 Lambs, 2 White Mice, 2 Lil’ White Poodles, 3 Black Poodles (1 Big and 2 Lil’), and 3 Robins. I also have both sizes of the Yorkie, Alley Cat, Clydesdale, Frog, Tree Frog, Bullfrog, Seal, White Terrier, Rabbit, Lion, Golden Retriever, Cow, Hippo, Persian Cat (not including the Sig.), and Pug. The most of any Webkinz I have is the Cocker Spaniel (3 Big and 2 Lil’).

  9. whataawsomekitty says:

    horses I collect horses I only have five right now and not any one kind just like any horse (like brown Arabian and pinto and Clydesdale)

  10. NMKID4527 says:

    I have seen this video long before it was introduced here. But it’s quite a collection! The biggest collection I have of one type of Webkinz would be any pair of Webkinz that I have because I don’t collect much of one Webkinz. I like varieties! :P

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