Movie Showcase – Top 5 Affordable Webkinz Signatures!

If you have fans of Webkinz Signature pets on your shopping list, KinzTuber TheKinzcats has some great suggestions!





Thanks for sharing, TheKinzcats!

147 Responses to Movie Showcase – Top 5 Affordable Webkinz Signatures!

  1. Sodacheery says:

    Heya! I’m watching in 2017! Yay! This video is super outdated. Harp Seal: 9.99 ( it changed back) Snow Leopard: 39.99! Ocelot: 39.99 Small Fox: 34.99 Basically the harp seal is the cheapest out of all of them in this video and seemed to stay the same price.

  2. iloveitso says:

    Lol watching this in November 2016 and some of this info is REALLY outdated. Harp Seal: 12.99. The Fox? 49.99!!!! Leopard is 29.99. The lab was dropped in price to 12.99 and the ocelot is 24.90

  3. webkinzgal27 says:

    i love the seal! i wonder how much shipping is though…

  4. tarayvonne says:

    I donated my signature plushes along with a lot of regular webkinz to the local church for children to play with. I only kept my signature king charles spaniel because that’s my favorite dog breed. I can’t have a real one because I am really allergic to dogs :( This is as close as I’ll get to ever having one. I would really love to have the signature husky though, I missed that one and it’s so pretty. I hope it gets released for sale in the estore someday, available always like the other ones in there.

  5. doingmydailies says:

    Thanks TheKinzcats!!! I only have 2 signature pets. Signature pets are cool but sometimes they aren’t that sweet and cute looking. The pets featured in this video are all super adorable. You really can get some super good deals on Amazon if you search for them. I LOVED the pets in the video. They look so adorable and I think I might have to buy some of them!!! Thanks again TheKinzcats!!!!

  6. dogheart7 says:

    If only the Signature Timber Wolf, Arctic Fox and Siberian Husky were on here. Oh, and I know Ganz stopped Signatures, but THEY NEED TO MAKE A SIGNATURE POTATO

  7. ca10lu says:

    I have the signature persian on my Chritmas list, which I found on Amazon for a very reasonable price.

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