New Garden Oasis Concept Drawings!


Hey Guys, I’m excited to show you new concept drawings for the Garden Oasis Room theme.


We held a vote earlier this month to determine which room theme we would release next. Players had 3 themes to choose from and the Garden Oasis theme received the most votes and will be released in the W-Shop on July 4th.


I only have 2 new concept drawings to show today, but stay tuned to Webkinz Newz because we’ll be posting more soon.


Players picked the Garden Oasis room theme based on the original concept drawing we released of the Garden Oasis chair. Here’s a look at it again:



Now, here’s a look at the concept drawing for the bench that will be included in this theme. I like that the dragonfly design on the back of the bench matches the butterfly that’s used for the chair. The orange pillow is also nice and bright and looks very comfortable.



These planters are beautiful and full of colorful flowers. The idea here, is for the base to match the style, color and texture of the Iron Wood Side Table & Watering Can we released as Spring Celebration prizes earlier this year:



The 3D artist will use these concept drawings as inspiration when designing the final items that will be included in this theme. Please feel free to leave your comments, suggestions and feedback in the comments section below. We’d love to work together with you to create the best theme possible.


Remember, the Garden Oasis room theme will be released in the W-Shop, for KinzCash, on July 4th. Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz for more concept drawings soon!


102 Responses to New Garden Oasis Concept Drawings!

  1. dancingfish7 says:

    I love it! :)

  2. Sparky1109 says:

    I like the flowers a lot but am not a fan of this theme; is there any chance of the iron wood theme making an appearance in the future?

    • lukki says:

      I am so in agreement with you… another garden theme… need something different in webkinz world

    • Austenshire says:

      I agree with your Sparky1109. I did vote for this one because I like to do gardens, but I would like another chance at the ironwood theme. It was my second favorite.

    • motherk says:

      I adore this theme and voted for it. But I agree the Iron Wood Theme would be a great addition. Even if it meant retiring another older W-Shop theme, I would love to see a rugged and versatile theme make it way into Webkinz World. Something like Iron Wood would go well with so many other themes, adding a rustic touch.

  3. KSC says:

    Love this theme!

  4. cat2f says:

    This theme is going to be so cute!!!

  5. julieperkins says:

    Just beautiful!!

  6. Ellen1970 says:

    I like the furniture but not the flowers

  7. abbytay123 says:

    i really hope there is a good bit of flowers and vases in this theme. there really aren’t a lot and i already LOVE the new planters!

  8. fancyduck58 says:

    Beautiful- I can’t wait until this theme is released! I love that planter. It would be nice to have a new flower and/or tree included in this theme. How about a deck where we could place these items? I’m sure our Webkinz would love to relax on a deck, I know my kitties sure enjoy it in the summer! :)

  9. Graceagirl says:

    I love it!!!!

  10. 975683 says:

    I love the flower baskets!

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