New Search Your Dock Feature in Webkinz Next

Tell us what you think!

Earlier this year, we added a search and organize feature to the dock in Webkinz Next.

We’d love to hear your thoughts. What do you think of the new Search Your Dock feature?
Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.



71 Responses to New Search Your Dock Feature in Webkinz Next

  1. BoulderPrarieHome says:

    It has been a lifesaver. I have been doing a lot of trading, and I just have to search the docks of all my accounts to find what the trader is asking for. It has saved me so much time.

  2. bright1234 says:

    Only the onion and Asparagus plant are showing up and the other place for competition plant is blank, and yes I have logged out and in numerous times

  3. bright1234 says:

    At the farmers market competition only 2 crops have show up and the other window is blank, do we add our own crop??

  4. Woof02120 says:

    Is it possible to have the “New” tab always default to sorting by how new it is? I wish that when I changed the organization in the other tabs (like alphabetically), the “New” tab would stay set to “Recently Added.”

    • Woof02120 says:

      Also, could you add an “A-Z” tab like in classic? It’s frustrating when the item I’m looking for is a furniture item and not a decoration.

  5. willows89 says:

    Super duper wish we could do this in Classic!!

  6. cuprite says:

    Please consider adding this to classic

  7. pigknucklesmom says:

    Love it… especially when pets make a special request for an item. Time use to run out on me while I searched!!

  8. JadeSweetSummer3 says:

    Well..My merry mistletoe crown is completely missing from my account and I cannot find it anywhere and I didn’t trade it plus I cannot contact webkinz support bc I don’t have an email so.. I don’t know what I’m gonna do.

  9. bubbleteapot says:

    Love it! It’s great, and makes finding things so much easier! Could you do one more thing regarding the dock, and program it so that when you put the dock down it stays down until you put it up again? It’s rather annoying to have it pop back up every time you change pets, when you jump around at the park, go to camera mode or back, etc.

  10. mglitter3 says:

    Wish you could do this in Classic!

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