New Sleeping Sensations now available: Fun in the Sun Bed!


New Sleeping Sensations bed now available: Fun in the Sun Bed!

Put on your sunscreen and catch a nap on top of the pool! The gentle rocking of the water will have you sleeping in no time.

Also available is the Fun in the Sun Suit that matches the Fun in the Sun Bed! Not all swimsuits can be slimming, so why not have a ball the next time you visit the beach? While it may not be the most flattering look in beachwear, it will definitely help your pet float!

You may find this perfectly matched bundle at at Ganz eStore!


50 Responses to New Sleeping Sensations now available: Fun in the Sun Bed!

  1. PICKLELOVER3 says:


  2. jamie says:

    I love that is sooo awesome! have an awesome everybody!

  3. pupppygirl says:

    o.m.g. that is really awesome i want that bed so much it looks so cool and my pet will look fab and love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. emma says:

    webkinz is so cool but I think there sould be a community pool and less monny at the W SHOP like for beds and tvs and other stuff. :) <3

  5. tigeroar says:

    cool bed!! im not estore but if i was i would toatally buy it

  6. victoria says:

    i really want one!i wish i had one!

  7. leahm2005 says:

    i love it sooooo much

  8. gjeli123 says:

    i love it

  9. csteffens says:

    Ganz can you make more deluxe challenges? please? i am on the last challenge for deluxe!

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