Nothing to see Here…

A really thoughtful, interesting, careful, helpful, observant, keen, excellent kid might see what’s here. Otherwise, never mind. Nothing to see here. Move along.

212 Responses to Nothing to see Here…

  1. Sallygirl18 says:

    It is a Artichoke! It is at the W-shop

  2. phillygirls says:

    A really thoughtful, interesting, careful, helpful, observant, keen, excellent its the first letteeeer of every word it goes with the durian and rasberry it makes pokeydokees

  3. phillygirls says:


  4. mdrakakis says:

    the pic is of a artitchoke

  5. Supergirl says:

    It’s totally an artichoke. What’s the pic for?

  6. macleod says:

    I have seen no clues for today, the 19th….on printed news, that is. I DID see, though, a PALM TREE with cocunuts, an an ad for a a pink drink, and another for dessert…so I went and made “CHROTLETORTE” with:

    1) Coconut
    2) Pink Lemonade &
    3) Carrot Cake (not cheesecake, not blueberry cheesecake, Carrot Cake) :)

    I have not idea if this is correct, and I know it is no secret, but I thought I would give it a try, and I have 3 Chortletortes in my dock now,,,,guess we will see….. :-)

    Have a great Night.

  7. Sydney says:


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