Nothing to see Here…

A really thoughtful, interesting, careful, helpful, observant, keen, excellent kid might see what’s here. Otherwise, never mind. Nothing to see here. Move along.

212 Responses to Nothing to see Here…

  1. joline says:

    it is the grand canyon or some other gorge

  2. jellyssa says:

    its an artichoke

  3. wwspot says:

    its definetly an artichoke

  4. webkinz lover says:

    its a (duh) artichoke!

  5. zenlizard says:

    Yes folks it is Pokeydokees! Artichoke, raspberry, and durian!
    Got that?! Good! Good Luck!

  6. Eli says:

    IT IS AN ARTICHOKE no doubt about it.
    From the W-shop

  7. ndsrocks says:


  8. rachel says:

    It`s an ARTICHOKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Hamster says:

    Its an artichoke

  10. Kristen says:

    It is an artichoke, but I saw a little design within, and it kinda looked like a swan. .

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