November’s Caring Valley Pet

33 Responses to November’s Caring Valley Pet

  1. Maria says:

    I really want a tree kangaroo because it’s a featured pet and I do not have any featured pets so I really want won and I do like kangaroo thank you and have a good day.

  2. Starhats says:

    I am going to get the tree kangaroo for my birthday and so is my sister! They each are coming with a regular webkinz code plus a caring valley code for the tree and saplings!

  3. Arthur says:

    I adopted a tree kangaroo yesterday, very pretty. His name is Skippy.
    But I didn’t have the four caring saplings and the enchanted tree.
    Please let me know what to do.

  4. lilly says:

    I love webkinz

  5. novagas says:

    I just got the Tree Kangroo,and he is so cute .I named him Jasper,but he does not go into “Caring Valley” And I did not get the Magic Tree with him,but got a Treehouse bed,and a rain forest. Why is that?

  6. flufy1012 says:

    i have it but i haven’t got the tree ):

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