November’s Pet of the Month

245 Responses to November’s Pet of the Month

  1. snuggles56100 says:

    My b-day is this month so I am gonna get it for my b-day!!!!!

  2. BLMOUSER says:

    just adopted wanda the walus..the under water is beautiful.

  3. halloweenthing says:

    My little sister is getting the walrus in November! She is going to name it Wrapy

  4. watson1961 says:

    Hello you.
    Today is a day Halloween. Candy ,candy…

  5. katie says:

    I think it will be so cool to have the walrus because
    . pet of the month
    .lots of prizes thats why i want the walrus

  6. gymnastics55555 says:

    i love this

  7. bigco says:

    I have over 60 webkinz, not counting zums and kinz clips, and this is one of the cutest yet! (As a stuffed animal.)
    I have a dolphin named Murphy! I love underwater pets!

  8. maya says:

    i would like to no how many pets are thare?

  9. catiebeth07 says:


  10. capybara says:

    I have ordered a walrus off amazon! Its a great place to get webkinz if you live in the UK. I got my walrus for £9 and you can get a racoon for £5! Also I have a mutt called woky , a manatee called flippy, a emperer dragon called swoop, a gecko called treeko, a barred owl called pigwidgeon, a bushbaby called pippin and a signiture small sea turtle called merry. P.S. i live in the UK. P.P.S. my walrus is called bubbles

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