Please do not enter your child's Webkinz Newz account or any Webkinz World™ account here. This step is to associate your own separate Ganz Parent Club and Webkinz Newz accounts. Are you sure you want to continue?
If you currently have separate Webkinz Newz and Ganz Parent Club accounts, this step is very important. It will ensure that your KinzCash™ and information from both accounts will be combined. This will be your only opportunity to combine your separate accounts. Are you sure you want to skip?
If you are under 18, please get your parents' permission before exploring other site. Always get your parents' permission before chatting or giving out information online.
OMG!!! So cute. You might know me from webkinz world. Anyways this walrus is adorable. I hope I can get one.
omg! have u seen the song! i love it its awesome! thanks webkinz! keep rocking!
i have a walrus!!!!!
soooooooooooo cute!
I KNOW & it IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!
It ain’t as cute in webkinz world! I think it’s very, very, very, very cute when u see it! peoples friend me at 2832kay
soo cute gotta love it gonna buy it my sis has it so not fair!!! the webkinz
I have 56783469349619865 webkinz!!!
awwwwwwwwww HOW CUTE
i love it