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If you currently have separate Webkinz Newz and Ganz Parent Club accounts, this step is very important. It will ensure that your KinzCash™ and information from both accounts will be combined. This will be your only opportunity to combine your separate accounts. Are you sure you want to skip?
I love the walrus, I have had one scince August I am so excited that it is going to be pet of the month. It is really awsome because out of my two pets finally one is pet of the month. Thank you webkinz people, you guys are doing a great job!!
i have the walrus his name is Sabar!!!!! and his cuter in real life and if u have already adopted the potm do ya still get all the things that r included
If you are under 18, please get your parents' permission before exploring other site. Always get your parents' permission before chatting or giving out information online.
that thing is the best for a november birthday because it is so cute.lololol
that bever is so cute
i wish i could see it i wish i had it
i need 2 so get this 4 brother 4 his b-day! i bet he will luv it!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the walrus, I have had one scince August I am so excited that it is going to be pet of the month. It is really awsome because out of my two pets finally one is pet of the month. Thank you webkinz people, you guys are doing a great job!!
My B-Day is in November!!! He is just the cutest thing!!!! :P
i have the walrus his name is Sabar!!!!! and his cuter in real life and if u have already adopted the potm do ya still get all the things that r included
no, u don ‘t get the stuff that comes with the pet of the month if u already have it… u could get an other walrus!!!
soooooooooo cuttttteeeeeeeeeeeee!
I have a walrus named wally he is sooo cute and cudley to play with i love him sooo much
he is so cute i am going to see if i could get him
please be my freind on webkinz world my username is: