November’s Pet of the Month

245 Responses to November’s Pet of the Month

  1. bluebelly8 says:

    that thing is the best for a november birthday because it is so cute.lololol

  2. Webkinz Member says:

    that bever is so cute
    i wish i could see it i wish i had it

  3. Alleysa says:

    i need 2 so get this 4 brother 4 his b-day! i bet he will luv it!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. applesarered says:

    I love the walrus, I have had one scince August I am so excited that it is going to be pet of the month. It is really awsome because out of my two pets finally one is pet of the month. Thank you webkinz people, you guys are doing a great job!!

  5. Olivia#7 says:

    My B-Day is in November!!! He is just the cutest thing!!!! :P

  6. kazxn says:

    i have the walrus his name is Sabar!!!!! and his cuter in real life and if u have already adopted the potm do ya still get all the things that r included

  7. katie says:

    soooooooooo cuttttteeeeeeeeeeeee!

  8. Alicia says:

    I have a walrus named wally he is sooo cute and cudley to play with i love him sooo much

  9. plankeya says:

    he is so cute i am going to see if i could get him

    please be my freind on webkinz world my username is:

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