Please do not enter your child's Webkinz Newz account or any Webkinz World™ account here. This step is to associate your own separate Ganz Parent Club and Webkinz Newz accounts. Are you sure you want to continue?
If you currently have separate Webkinz Newz and Ganz Parent Club accounts, this step is very important. It will ensure that your KinzCash™ and information from both accounts will be combined. This will be your only opportunity to combine your separate accounts. Are you sure you want to skip?
I have the Walrus. There cute and funny. I adopted it this month and DID NOT get the loot bag. When i was about to adopt it, they told me that the next pet of the month was the walrus. I wanted the loot bag, but i thought adopting him was more important then a loot bag. His name is Wally. I got a big underwater room, a walrus statue with a Northern Light Lamp, a blue scooter, a giant rocket chair, and One Ton One Tons food.
I have a walrus he is so cute -(:= i also have a turtle randier gray cat iguana hippo dog panda hamster 2 horses lizard owl. And thats it. Please tell me if you have those same webkinz
If you are under 18, please get your parents' permission before exploring other site. Always get your parents' permission before chatting or giving out information online.
haha. i have a walrus named Wally too! haha… i love walruses
H’e so cute I’m so geting him
awww he’s so cute Im so getting him he’ll be my third webkinz i have a bulldog Kesha and a beagle LuLu but any way he’s cute I’m getting Him!!!!!
I have the Walrus. There cute and funny. I adopted it this month and DID NOT get the loot bag. When i was about to adopt it, they told me that the next pet of the month was the walrus. I wanted the loot bag, but i thought adopting him was more important then a loot bag. His name is Wally. I got a big underwater room, a walrus statue with a Northern Light Lamp, a blue scooter, a giant rocket chair, and One Ton One Tons food.
I have a walrus he is so cute -(:= i also have a turtle randier gray cat iguana hippo dog panda hamster 2 horses lizard owl. And thats it. Please tell me if you have those same webkinz
I have a walrus, iquana, hippo, (blue hippo) dogs, and 2 horses. I have 32 webkinz. They are: Walrus, Mystical Horse, Pretty Peacock, Jellybean Puppy, Panda, Hopping Bunny, Hippo, Duck, Tree Frog, Pink And White Dog, Lil’ Copper Spaniel, Lil’ Frog, Pom Pom Kitty, Tye Dye Puppy, Blufadoodle, Lil’ Pink Poodle, Lil’ Seal, Lil’ Tabby Cat, Lil’ Cow, Pig, Guinea Pig, Cotton Candy Bunny, Iguana, Persian Cat, Himalayan Cat, Daisy Tortoise, Lil’ Unicorn, Lil’ Googles, Citrus Dragon, Turkey, Pink Pony, Spotted Frog, and a Schnauzer.
i what to win walrus
i have a walrus named floppy!!
take me as a friend allmyteddys !