Turn your pet’s room into an exciting airport!
If you’re looking for a place to park your planes, then pick up this hanger that can hold a lot more than it looks! Once your pet is finished flying, just open it up and store away your plane until the next flight!
Your airport just wouldn’t be complete without a runway for all of your planes to taxi along! The runway is where all great trips begin!
Stay tuned for more Airport Theme items coming in June!
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Celebrate being a Deluxe Advantage eStore Customer with Deluxe Wednesdays! Every Wednesday, Deluxe Advantage eStore Customers can be the first to enjoy exclusive sales and Webkinz World Online Items before they are made available to anyone else!
You may find these items and so much more at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores!
I wish I could get the airborne puppy! It is so cute! I love those items! Everyone have fun with them! >>j3gnight2011<<
This theme is way cool! I like it. I sympathize with everyone’s frustration, I can’t afford all the cool estore items I’d like to have either. I buy one or two a year. Here’s a tip: look on Webkinz News for the sales. I only buy an estore item when they are on sale half off, usually in summer. That way Ganz can still keep making money to run the business, & I only spend a very few dollars & get to have something really cool.
I don’t care for deluxe, that means I don’t hate it and I don’t love it. just like Chicago Made said, It’s just a bunch of pixels. it not a nessesity either, so why go through all that money to get it? I understand that Ganz needs money I really do, I’m just explaining my feelings about it. so ganz make all the deluxe stuff you want beacuse it’s YOUR choice. and remember to look4thetaris!
LOVE THIS NEW THEME! Now maybe they will also have a police station & fire station themes soon. We have everything that has been released so far for the inside terminal and really suspected there would be an actual outside airport as the Airborne Puppy comes with controller stuff. Can’t wait to get him/her.
Can`t get them.But they are way awesome!!!!!
The airport theme is amazing! Do the planes really fly?? Can you put your pet into it and fly? All the best! MDIChickadee
I want this so bad, and I can’t have it, plus it has to come out on my birthday!
Ooh! I am so getting that new Puppy! Love it so much, I already have the Winged Tiger, so this will be perfect! They just made the Modern Theme for you guys, so be thankful. And what Kathlyyn said is totally true, without the eStore, non eStore users would get half the stuff they get now. Lets hear it for the eStore!! :) -Moonstar◙◙◙
I like that new dog too! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll:
Love the outdoor one! I travel new places alot because of my mom and dad love visiting new places! Ive been to most places around the world but never the places I want to go to. California and Hawaii. Agreed, Estore rules! And they have to make money somehow. But its not always fair for the non estore members. ~KK(on k)
Yes, I like the puppy too, sarahandlacey! I’m not estore or deluxe, but I hope to be one day! I love the two new pets they came out with though! And the mystic bear I think it was? I’m not sure. But I am a bit jealous of deluxe people sometimes, but my mom said she might get me the fifteen dollar deluxe! Yay!! ~~Rainbow Rain A.K.A Grace
You are so right Moonstar, I personally don’t like the modern theme, but, Ganz does hard work to make us happy, Deluxe and Non Deluxe. My mom said she might get my the fifteen dollar deluxe, how cool is that??=LOL. Anyways, I love the pets, the tiger and dog, but not so much the furniture. ~~Rainbow Rain
Read carefully: it says “Deluxe Adv. Estore customers can be the FIRST to enjoy . . .”They may just be trying new things to see what people do and don’t like. Maybe they’ll let the rest of us get it later! -*Dawnstar*
This is totally awesome! I really love this theme. Maybe next they’ll add some new vacations.
Cool I like it!!!!!!!!!!! but the reson Ganz dosen’t give out quite as awsome stuff to us non estore is because the estore helps Ganz keep making things. Ps I love the new theme i think the mega modern theme is awsome!
The e-store is the coolest! Your friend sarahandlacey! :lol: :mrgreen: ;-) :-) :roll: