Spooky, scary stuff for your Webkinz Pets just in time for Halloween!Celebrate spooky all October long with these Deluxe items: This Halloween, why not dress your pet up as a Zombie Girl? Pets who want to capture this look will scream with joy! Watch out! If your pet has a huge Halloween yard planned then the Halloween Triple Fence is the way to go! Bats, spider webs, and sneaky jack-o’-lanterns make this fencing absolutely terrifying! Mwa-ha-ha-ha! The Spooky Sound Effects Boombox will turn any Halloween party into a fear-fully fun fest! This creepy decoration plays a whole bunch of scary noises! Oh and don’t forget about the Zombie Zangoz Gumball Machine!! This goofy gumball machine will have all your pets laughing at their Halloween party! Not a Deluxe Member Yet? Find all these and more at Ganz eStore! |
October Deluxe Specials are here!
106 Responses to October Deluxe Specials are here!
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Today is so hot…
October and the freeky Halloween
I love the girl zombie costume!!!
Woooooooooooooooooooooow. Coolio! I like the (giggles) girl zombie costume. I wish I was deluxe or estore, I will probably ask for it soon ;) And, yeah people who aren’t estore should still like them. I mean, I want items in the trading room but I can’t get them. Way life has to go, LOL!
CinderPaw, I agree with you totaly. I’m not an estore person eather but I stil like the items.
Where did you get your name. Please awnser back.
yes! i want to know too
SEE MOM! I’M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO SAYS COOLIO!!!!!!!! Sorry talking to my mom lol
OMG! the halloween clothes and room iz sooooo vcool! i have been saving for 3 months!!! its so cool! its also worth the purchas i promise!
i dont get that you have to pay money to have a deluxe.
Me too! I really want deluxe! They have all of these cool oppeertunities! I don’t see why they have 2 games that are only for deluxe members! I thnk all of the games in the arcade should be allowed to all webkinz players. I like the room though. I like how they made their plants die so it would loook more spooky and put gravestones. I love the gravestones! cute little ghosties come out!
~NeptuneFeline925 ^.,.^ ♫ ♪
so they make money
I have 4 things to say:
1. That room has too many Estore items, gravestones, and other Haunted Halloween items
2. The Dire Wolf as a zombie girl? Really, Ganz? Why not the Black Cat that’s in the room?
3. Who forgets to garden that many plants?
4. Bad arranging. Push the gumball machine and boombox to the side, swap the placement of the plants and graves, and pull the pot into the center, away from the path, and the room looks a lot better.
I let my plants wittle away for Halloween on purpose. It adds to the Halloween feeling.
That defeats the purpose of having them. If you’re not gonna grow them, put them back in your dock.
I like growing stuff but i always forget to garden so my garden looks like a halloween garden :P It does look cool though
the whole purpose is to grow farm fresh food, not let it wither away. if thats the case lock them in your dock
Some people don’t have time to log on to Webkinz everyday and take care of their garden, so if their crops do die and it happens to be October, it actually looks really cool. Why would you lock them in your dock? You can’t grow anything that way or use your dead crops as decoration.
Id rather ma it a decoration than have it take up space in my dock ;P
Ya. my crops died but since it’s halloween, its really cool
cool! im not a member and i dont have estore points, but it’s cool anyways. i hope the ones of you who can get it really enjoy it! and krystallkat: i think that you should get the harmony puppy. its super cute and comes with an awesome chair. dont feel pressured to take my advice anyways.
Thanx for the suggestions but no offense i dont like dogs.
How the can you not like dogs…..?!? I LOVE dogs… ;) @rayray That’s a really cute pet, isn’t it? :) I love the harmony puppy!
*grins* i ♥ the zombie gal outfit! oh oh!
Wish this stuff wasn`t eStore, otherwise I`d love it more! The ghost costume (in the picture) is really cute. :)
I totally agree!!! Having to be Deluxe and get it from eStore is such a pain. :( Who wants to pay money for pixels?! The trees look really cool! Down with Deluxe!!!
I’d sooooo love to be able to win stuff like that! They should make a contest. The costumes are soooo cute and the boombox is awesome! I like the idea of leaving dead crops to make it look spookier.
Cool stuff! ;-)
cool. im getting a webkinz for halloween what pet do you think i should get? i might get an e store pet i dont know. what pet do you guys think i should get? (i want sig)
If you do not have an Adventure Park pet, you might want one of those – it looks like great fun!
i have an adventure park pet and its like really boring and i dont even understand it at all
The Zombie Girl costume is so awesome! :) I really want it!
*Luv from LillyLuvie*
i know right? i LOVE that dress!!! :D i NEED it! it will be mine mhahahahaha!!! >:)
i love that dress.
im not sure havent seen a halloween signature but the black cat is cuite. :)
Thanx everyone. i think i want to get the e store fire fawn or pink cottoncandy sheep. anyone have name suggestions?
The fire fawn can be named Blaze b/c the same sounds like a fire blaze. Hope it helps! ;)
~ NeptuneFeline925 (likes to help) ^.,.^
Or if you wanted it to be a girl you could name it Blaise. A different spelling lol. :lol:
*Luv from LillyLuvie*
i have the black cat and the pumpkin puppy
get the black scardy cat!
i might get the black cat. i really want to name it Mistique.
My #1 mission is to just get a webkinz tree frog and name it Tom. That’s all
dont you mean Mystique? thats how you spell it
I like to spell it differently. ;)
Get A Black Cat It’s The Pet Of The Month So You Get A Loot Bag And A Pet Of Of The Month Prize So Get One!
The Wolf looks pretty cool!!! you should get it
i ♥ clothing so i want the webkinz zombie costume…..BOO! did i scare you or what JK hahahaha and the zombie zangoz gumball machine is awsome,for Halloween i will be a vampire! mhahahahahaha :twisted: ♪MidnightAurora♪
I suggest that you get the webkinz sig. beagle!!!! I have (the only sig. that I have) one and he is THE CUTEST THING EVER!!!!!! I named mine Alexander. About Halloween…I already bought almost the whole new theme of Halloween for my bat’s room! It is PURE AWESOMENESS!!!!!! My favorite iem out of the new theme is the ghost chairs!!! I suggest you save up some KC and see for yourself!
I hav the sig beagle too. its cute!
Get a Dire Wolf! As for the new items their cool ut I don’t have any points. Oh so close and yet so far!
Get a Signature Fox. It’s avatar is really small. I have one, and I constantly here people talking about how adorable it is.
Hey krystalkat!! I think you should get the signature Pomeranian!! Or a Shi Tzu! Those little doggies are darling!! :) And with the Adventure Park Pets, you can get the Cloud Dress, Shoes, and Hat that trade fairly well! :) You could get a rare clothing or two off of them. I had a cloud hat once and I got the Charm Fairy top and bottom! :) And they look awesome on your pet!! ~Skywalker58~