October’s Pet of the Month

139 Responses to October’s Pet of the Month

  1. bunny1muffin says:

    he is really cute!but when will Spotted Leopard be a pet of the month?+~*bunny1muffin*~+

  2. r says:

    I have it! It is so cute!

  3. pokemon says:

    i love that pet and it’s psi he can sleep in my halloween room it wouls be PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  4. 35455 says:

    i love the midnight monster because its so adorable but the velvety elephant is way more adorable

  5. AJRARITYDASH123 says:

    oh my gosh that is extremely cute!! i might get it for x-mas but im not sure. i know that will be way too late anyway. but i still really want that pet a lot. there is a brand new webkinz pet that literally just recently came out. its called the sapphire pegasus. if u have a webkinz account go to the newspaper and click webkinz pets and stuff. then click webkinz pets. finally look for the sapphire pegasus and buy it because i have it and its super cute!!!! it comes with a piano and trust me. the music sounds so pretty. so u guys have to get the sapphire pegasus!!! seriously, though, just trust me.

  6. jacob says:

    cool pet i wish i could get that!:)

  7. arthur2005 says:

    KINZEVILL! is so cool I wish I could live in it.

  8. hannah says:

    i love the mushrooms! i would eat them :p he is cute but looks a little?…whats the word, not straight. lol anyway he is cute

  9. shelburs says:

    He’s not a real monster…. he’s a limited time offer of a Webkinz in a costume. There’s no costumes at the W-Shop or the KinzStyle Outlet either. I like his habitate though

  10. buddywuwu says:

    it is SSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute! want it soooooooo bad!

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