Our First Social Superstar Is Announced!



As we recently announced, we’re so pleased to name our first-ever Social Superstar today! Congratulations to the talented and terrific Netterkinz!


A prolific YouTuber who creates and posts super-fun and original music videos, fictional series, and pet adoption and unboxing videos (plus much more) on her channel, Netterkinz celebrates her love for Webkinz in many different artistic outlets.



She even made these outfits for her Arctic Foxes!



And her plush collection is quite impressive!



Netterkinz is also active on Instagram, Twitter, DeviantArt and Tumblr as 100nette, where, in addition to her creative work, her positivity, sharing and support for her fellow Webkinz players in the online community bring warmth and fun to everyone in the Webkinz fandom.




Thanks for being such a wonderful force in the Webkinz social community, Netterkinz!


Going forward, we’ll be announcing a new Social Superstar on the last Saturday of each month! Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz for that!


UPDATE (May 11): In response to everyone’s outpouring of congratulations, Netterkinz has posted a new video!



120 Responses to Our First Social Superstar Is Announced!

  1. ImaPepper says:

    Wow! Congratulations, Netterkinz! You’re the first Social Media Superstar–that’s very special–and well-deserved! Nicely done!

  2. MEGWEBKINZ says:

    CONGRATS NETTERKINZ!!!!!!!!!!! ~Hug a Pug~

  3. oudoll2 says:

    Perfect first choice. Congrats Netterkinz!! Also thanks so much for sharing your talent with us.

  4. glitteringduck says:


  5. 1Emerald1 says:

    Congratulations Netterkinz, you are The First! WOW!

  6. Joy3111 says:

    Congratulations netterkinz!

  7. bear10201 says:

    Congratulations!! Netterkinz The First Social Superstar ever!!!!

  8. Pokekinz says:

    Congratulations! I really want a DeaviantArt, Kinztagram, and KinzTube. And I wish I could make outfits for my Webkinz. And I wish I had that many Signatures. And that I had a camcorder. And that I knew how to edit. And that I could actually do my Webkinz’s voices. And that I could do comics. And basically, a lot of stuff. :P But again, congrats Netterkinz!

    • NMKID4527 says:

      I have been wishing that exact same thing for so long, PokeKinz! But congrats, NetterKinz! You did a fantastic job!

    • my9tailkinz says:


      • gingerhorsez2 says:

        I wish I had a Youtube account, though it’d mainly be about Pokemon, since that’s the thing I’m obsessed with it the most and I’m very knowledgeable about it, then I’ll probably have some My Little Pony here and there (because it’s my favorite TV show), but I would probably showcase my Webkinz in both plush forms and digital because I have a couple who (sadly) came with no tags. Anyways, congrats Netterkinz and I hope you become even more successful! :)

  9. Horsegirl says:

    Congratulations! ~Horsegirl~

  10. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Congratulations, Netterkinz! ;)

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