Pink Dalmatian

223 Responses to Pink Dalmatian

  1. sssvert8 says:

    he is sort of cute but i do not like pink so i will not get him most likly.

  2. MDIChickadee says:

    Those pink ears and the sweet face and pretty pink dots make me want to just hug this pet and then hug it again! (Gently, of course …) What a great dog! All the best! MDIChickadee

  3. norman says:

    Oh I know someone who would this dog!

  4. Styx fan 101...listen up please! says:

    Ganz, you have to make two pets. You have to make a plush Egyptian Mau Cat, and you have to make a Norwegian Forest Cat. There are some users on WKN who desperately want Egyptian Maus, and some users have wanted Norwegian Forest Cats for YEARS. Please take this request into consideration!

  5. Hermione says:

    How cute! I have to have it!

  6. imeeyore says:

    Very cool!!!!!!!!! I love PINK!!!!!!!!

  7. Coolgirl27965 says:

    I know -Coolgirl27965

  8. CocoaBunny says:

    OMG!!!! So cute. I hope I can get this dog. $CocoaBunny$

  9. puppylove says:

    AAWWE!! its pretty cute! is this a plush? i hope so! i am not estore…i hope i can get this! me and my bro can play dalmations. :-)

  10. tinygma says:

    Cool but what about a blue one named Blue Berry Puppy and another for Holloween called Boo Berry Puppy ;)

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