Pink Dalmatian

223 Responses to Pink Dalmatian

  1. angelgirldog7 says:

    i like it. on my other account, BIGNAT9,i have the original dalmation. on this account ( angelgirldog7) i only have 4. Mandy ,a border collie, Snow Girl, a li’kinz white terrier, Atti, an okapi, and Lucy, a winter fawn. add me angelgirldog7.

  2. SillySkylar says:

    VERY CUTE. I really want that. But I agree with tinygma; what about those? I love blueberries.

  3. jocelyn says:

    So cute!!!! Love it!!!!

  4. welove4321 says:

    I want her/him so that my little kinz Dalmatian can have a big sister :]

  5. YASHA says:


  6. missmackpaddywack says:

    So cute!

  7. Webkinzfan123 says:

    I Love this guy and I really want him like lot’s of you but I can’t find any webkinz!The stores that used to sell them don’t sell any of them at all anymore! :( D:

  8. granny124 says:

    my granddaughter would love it because she did not get the black and white dalmatian

  9. nicole2144 says:

    wow that dog is so cute

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