Pink Dalmatian

223 Responses to Pink Dalmatian

  1. BlazetheCatandSilvertheHedgehog99 says:

    It’s really cute but I don’t care for the virtual pet =0)

  2. maliamary says:

    you should make a jellybean puppy that would be cute.

  3. Starry448131 says:

    I love it! I need it! It’s very cute! – Starry448131 XD I LOVE IT!!!!!

  4. TrulyWebkinz says:

    My Webkinz account is expiring soon, so I think this one is the Webkinz I’ll get! :) Or maybe the peace sign puppy, but this pup is too cute!!!

  5. karen says:

    hey im in puppy loooove this is soooo cute !!!!! i whant to name it pinky pie thanks soo much !!!!! karen

  6. Sophie and Nico says:

    i think that dalmations are AWSOME

  7. HUGEWEBKINZFAN!!!!!!!!! says:

    Adorable and a have to have! its definantly on my wish list! (I also want the chihuahua not that its new:))

  8. countrygirl22 says:

    I seriously love this webkinz. Dalmatians are one of my favorite kind of dogs. I love the pink polka dots too! It’s so cute! :)

  9. piegal says:

    This pet is not the cutest pet that they have besides i don’t like pink to much….. If u want to friend me my username is turtlepie6 AKA piegal

  10. pinkpuppy says:

    nice kind smart

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