Pink Punch Cheeky Dog

45 Responses to Pink Punch Cheeky Dog

  1. kaitlynn says:

    shes so cute. i have the dog i bought her today

  2. poohbear123 says:

    I have 1 it is so cute! I got it at Hallmark. It was the last pink punch cheecky dog there. It is so much better than the tropical island puppy! I HATE THE TROPICAL ISLAND PUPPY!

  3. dawndrop16 says:

    Very cute. Love the PSI! *Dawn*

  4. sissy14 says:

    I want it soooo much!!!!!

  5. *Jonalee* says:

    sooo cute i want it I REALLY LOVE IT

  6. poom88 says:

    I am so getting it cause its to cute!!!!!!

  7. doglove12345678 says:

    i was at the cracker barrel but i didn’t get it there was a better one and i was there to get the topical island puppy.):Which i got.(:

  8. Webby7604 says:

    I almost got one at Justice today, but I was short 4 dollars. :’( BUT I did get the Lil’ Kinz Husky, but I really REALLY wanted that one!

  9. qzwebkin says:

    SO Cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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