Powderpuff Porcupine

299 Responses to Powderpuff Porcupine

  1. cupcakegirl says:

    i wish i could shop there im not allowed to

  2. michelle says:

    I love justice and i love the cuty pet.

  3. squeakyjan says:

    the powder puff porcipine is so cute and i shop at justice alot I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Hedgehog Lord says:

    I love it! Is it on there website.

  5. kayleigh says:

    OMG it is so cute i just i have got to get one i so totally hope that my mom gets it for me for Christmas i keep bugging her about it!

  6. katiedog says:

    OMG I totally want a couch like that!! The porcupine is soooo cute it’s to die for!!

  7. foxlover88 says:

    I have the powderpuff porcupine and he is sooooo ADORABLE!!!! :) I’m not kidding everybody who wants it needs it, ask ur parents for it for ur birthday, Christmas, ur bar mitzfa who cares u just need it and i hope you guys get it :)

  8. sparklekitten01 says:

    the porkiepine(did i spell that right?) looks so cute friend me!i am u3h9

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