Prepare for liftoff in Webkinz World with NEW eStore items!

Wowzer Weekend - Treetop Tower, Treetop Runway

Wowzer Weekend - Treetop Runway, Treetop Tower

Every Webkinz pet deserves a bird’s eye view! Now they can get that from the tip top of this Treetop Lookout Tower. Your Webkinz Turtle or Thunderbird will be able to keep a sharp lookout on all the bustling action happening in Kinzville.

While you’re at it, add a Treetop Runway! Ladies and gentlemen, please prepare for a leafy landing.

Save time in entering Feature Codes into the Code Shop!
Purchase these items* through Webkinz eStore instead and have your items unlock directly to your Webkinz World dock!

Webkinz eStore
* Currently, Webkinz eStore offers online, virtual items only. To purchase all other online products (Pets, Hamsters, Caring Valley, Charms, Figures), Custom T-Shirts and Deluxe Memberships, please visit Ganz

Visit either Webkinz eStore or Ganz eStore for these items and many more!

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