NEW Petal Print Room Theme
available at Ganz eStore!
If your Webkinz loves petal prints, make sure you decorate their room with this fun floral theme! Available Wednesday July 25th: The colorful Petal Print Princess Bed will quickly have your pet transported off into dreamland! The fun floral petal prints and butterflies will add a delightful design to your pet’s room! If you’re creating a Petal Print look for your pet’s room, make sure you add some accents like this flower-powered Petal Print Rug! |
Stay tuned for more Petal Print items coming in August!
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You may find these items and so much more at both Ganz and Webkinz eStores!
i love it
This is a really cute idea, but I think all the flowers are just too much in one room. Less would be best I think
wow……it is cute
It’s very coooooooool!
aww i love it
i love it
COOL ! !!!!
you know what, it is really cute but I think Webkinz should come up with something totally new, I was wondering if I Could give you guys some Ideas and if you like the ideas you could possibly use them, so for an outdoor theme I was thinking of a farm, the theme would include a barn and the cool part is you can go inside the barn and have horses, goates and sheep and stuff like that and you could get the animals from the barn in the webkinz estore. And then the theme would include crops and a scarecrow and then a active tractor so you could ride on it and then you could ride on the horses and then have a pasture where the cows could grase on grass, and then so on and so forth, but that was just a thought so webkinz people or the people who make the themes if you like my idea the it would be nice if you would reply, thank you for reading.
Hey I have a question about the pratty petal room theme….. Will it be available at the w shop? I don’t have any estore points and really want this room theme. ~~Sarah~~
Very cool theme! It is very similar to the Bloomin’ theme in the W-shop. If only I was deluxe membership, all the cool things are either e-store or deluxe. ); Very sad I can not get it. Paxrocks