Printable Countdown to Valentine’s Day Calendar with FREE Codes!



Printable Countdown to Valentine’s Day Calendar with Free Codes!

The countdown to Valentine’s Day is on! To show our love for our players, we are posting a printable countdown calendar with seven free codes!

Every day between February 8 and 14, log into Webkinz (web only) and enter that day’s code in the Code Shop. The codes are valid for one day only so be sure to log in every day.
Click here to download the printable PDF.


Check out the prizes and in case you have trouble reading the codes, you can find them all here.


65 Responses to Printable Countdown to Valentine’s Day Calendar with FREE Codes!

  1. 1aa2bb3cc says:

    Hi, goosie 1–I also missed seeing the announcement about the printable calendar. Guess we need to read the announcements more thoroughly. Oh, well, we learned something.

  2. goosie1 says:

    How do we get the items we missed?! I did not know about this until today and there is only one day left :(

  3. chocolate10diva says:

    can anyone send emily1040 the dresser please

  4. Minne24 says:

    Uggg im so upset i missed the dresser yesterday…how do i get it. Thank you. .

  5. grammarninja99 says:

    Of course I missed the day of the dresser, the one thing I don’t have!

  6. lilaclilyofthevalley says:

    So sad I missed the beautiful bouquet. For those who were lucky enough to get it, I’m glad for you! I haven’t seen it on Webkinz before, so it’s an awesome addition to your collections!

  7. sparklysnail says:

    gah! i forgot about this yesterday and missed out on the lamp! :( i hope i (and anyone else who missed out) find it somewhere one day!

  8. ImaPepper says:

    Aw, I missed yesterday! I think it’s the only prize on this countdown that I don’t have. Sigh…..well, that’s just the way it goes sometimes, lol.

  9. BrandeeStephens says:

    I’m upset that I missed the bouquet! But, it seems I wasn’t the only one who missed yesterday’s. How did this happen to us? I usually never miss countdown calendar days. If anyone has an extra, I would be extremely grateful! Webkinz World username is harborday. Thanks so much in advance!

  10. Lullin says:

    I put in the code for today and it didn’t work! I tried it a few times and I got banned from the code shop for a day, i’m really was looking forward to the lamp, bummer!

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