Puggle Pup

Give a big hug to your new friend, the Puggly Puppy! This soft pet LOVES to snuggle and play, especially when they’re around their own personal Snuggle Puggle Playpen! And what’s the best snack for puggles who love to tumble? Playtime Popcorn, a delicious treat for all!

95 Responses to Puggle Pup

  1. tallulahiscool says:

    He is to cute!

  2. webiegirl926 says:

    I am getting this pet ! Oh my gosh it is so so so so cute ! I love puggles , they are so just wowowow

  3. PinkiePuppylover says:

    A-DOR-A-BLLLLLLLLLE!!!!!!!!!!! this pet is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!!

  4. JadeTheWolF says:

    I wish that ganz would make the puppies in their normal form again. Like the texting puppy, and the love puppy……

  5. DogsAndCatsRock says:

    I love dogs!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. aglg1115 says:

    How do you get the puggle? I can’t find it

  7. AdamMunn says:

    PLEASE add Happy12121212kinz

  8. AdamMunn says:

    Are any of u friends with Happy12121212kinz?

  9. imthebest247 says:

    so cute hope i get it its so so so so so cccccccccuuuuuuuuuttttteeeeee

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