Razzle Dazzle Dog

346 Responses to Razzle Dazzle Dog

  1. calvin444 says:

    looks like a gorilla to me. a pink gorilla.

  2. arianna says:

    razzel dazzel do!!!

  3. zoeys1220 says:

    it is so ugly but cute to but i am a blue person but if it was blue i would like it

  4. peacetienne says:

    that dog is creepy even i like dogs

  5. whitelilly500 says:

    OMG OMG OMG Its sooo UGLY its CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think its AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I kind of want it!

  6. monkeygirl says:

    Why Ganz? Why?!

  7. kitty says:

    That Razlle Dazlle Dog is a Razlle Dazlle Disaster!!!!!!

  8. jayla says:

    lets just say nice things here but good does say honesty so bla bla bla they could of done better

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