Release Notes – What are those?

Release Notes will have a list of recent changes to Webkinz World, such as bug fixes and updates. Look for these articles to find out what we’ve been working on.

191 Responses to Release Notes – What are those?

  1. Zike replying to HPj says:

    Yeowch! I’ve never been bitten by a goose, but there is a pretty bossy one in our local duck pond. She didn’t even let a swan in the pond! :P Kinda polar opposites, don’t ya think?

  2. FallGirl88 says:

    Lol but when you have never gotten close to a chicken before and it jumps up on a gate and makes weirdly strange noises at you, you have no idea what to expect! I’ll say that my experience was a very bad first impression on chickens. Sorry chickens who didn’t try to maul me but I cannot trust you because of your great great grandpa/grandma whatever that thing was. I hate chickens and goats. Like HPj said about snakes, its like they try to mock me whenever i get close to them or within eyesight.

  3. Harry Potter jr says:

    Once, when I was 4 or something like that, I went to a petting zoo at Stew Leonards®. Well, I was near the fence and a goose came over and bit my finger. Well, let me tell you, I already knew these gooses were a little mean, so I wasn’t really surprised.

  4. McKittyKitty says:

    Oh, HPJ!!! lol!!! NO, it’s a cat! lol!!! I’m crakin’ up!!! It’s not a devil!!! I always you it as my signature symbol so people know it’s me (Unless it’s a short comment like this one).

  5. FallGirl88 says:

    LOL HPj. Dude I hate chickens too. Pigs also scare me. Yeah, when I was like 5, my parents took my siblings and I to a petting zoo or something like that and to get into the area with all the “pets” you had to go through a little stable. Well, I was the last one and was behind everybody so when they walked through the gate into the zoo area, the gate closed and a chicken jumped on it. I wanted to go through the gate but the chicken kept making noises at me and I started tearing up. THEN the chicken jumped down but an assistant grabbed it just as it was about to maul me or something and threw it back in the zoo area and I went through the gate just as my family was coming back out =\ I had been crying at a chicken for fifteen minutes. So now, because of that lame chicken, I refuse to go into petting zoos. I am mostly scared of the goats now and I’m 13 lol.

  6. Verdense says:

    As a rule for this page, nobody uses it for a club, ok? This page is for everybody equally and nobody’s club.

  7. Verdense says:

    Dang it isn’t a bad word. It’s common and I say it a lot. My parents laugh at me when I say it cause I say it like a creeper . Trust me, I’ve played video games that say much worse things like that…FallOut 3 and 4? lol

  8. gingerhorsez2 aka lamadog if you saw that says:

    Guys, this is really freaky! I had this video game and me and my sister were attacking this weird, rectangle, guy named “Whomp King”. (this is the Wii and it’s a Mario game and I love them *_*) then my sister jumped on him and he gave us a star and right before he cracked into little pieces, he said “Dang it!” Why would they say “Dang it!” on a video game? I use “dang” and “dang it” but why do that on a video game? P.S. BTW, the game was Super Mario Galaxy 2

  9. hip hop princess says:

    ha ha ha funny i hate chip monks to there always tonting my dog p.s this is music lover 101

  10. FallGirl88 says:

    Ok kitty. Well, if you do get KC plus, I hang in light green mostly. Sometimes light blue and rarely yellow. I will have to be Chocolate on fern79. Chocolate is wearing DJ, Red Dotty Party dress, flip flops, and Pink Studded Shades. He (which I am making a she until the 18th lol) stands out very much.

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